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Sad life of Sanjay and Mansi

Sanjay was living with his mother and 2 little sisters and one brother. Few years ago Sanjay’s family was very rich people but due to loss in business they become poor. Sanjay’s dad couldn’t survive with that shock and died by major cardiac attack. Sanjay was living in small flat. That flat was earlier belongs to their driver. Later their driver allows them to live in his flat with minimum rent of Rs 500. Sanjay was working as a clerk in private firm getting Rs 3000 salary. Sanjay was very weak in studies so when they were rich, Sanjay was not going to college for studies. That’s why he was not able to graduate from any university. And in today’s world without you won’t get any Job/work without Degree. So Sanjay was not able to earn much higher than Rs 3000 which was not enough to survive.

Sanjay’s mother condition was not well after her husband’s death and his brother and sisters also not going to any school for studies. Rs 500 going as rent and he had to survive in Rs 2500 for whole month. With very high inflation his debts was increasing day by day. He was very frustrated with his life. One day after job over he went to beach and sits their thinking about his and his family’s future. With no degree and not good job he will not able to take care of family for long period of time. He eats one time so that he can feed his brother and sisters. That makes his health very weak. Though he was very handsome and bodybuilder during richer days now he was looking very slim. To avoid going to barber, he never cut his hair that’s why he grows his hair till waist. He always make bun of his hair and wears hat to hide his long hair. He had only two pair of clothes which he wears alternatively. His brother and sisters not had good clothes to wear and nice toys to play. After few hours later he went to home with some food for family.

Days were passing and debts were rising like mountain. All creditors asking their money and Sanjay were unable to return them money. One day his mother’s health was deteriorates. Sanjay called his family doctor. That doctor did free check-up of his family because of earlier relation.

Doctor said “One of your mother’s kidney fail. She is now surviving on her second kidney and condition of that kidney also not good. Your mother will not survive after 1 year. We need to transplant another kidney to her.”

Sanjay was collapse when he knew that his mother will not survive after 1 year and he also not have money for kidney transplant operation. He hugged his mother and cry like baby. Other siblings also join him.

Mother said “I still have one year to stay with you so don’t worry.”

Sanjay decided to do something to save his mother from dying. He again went to doctor and asked them total cost of operation. Doctor said we need at least 3 Lakh rupees and one kidney donor. Make arrangement in 4 months otherwise it will too late to do anything. He went to his company and asked them 3 Lakh loan. Company was already furious over him due to constant money issue. They decided to thrown him out from company. And that was his last day in his company. He takes pending amount from company and leave office. His Rs 3000 income was stop. He was not able to understand why destiny plays this kind of joke with him.

He went to temple and asks GOD “Why I am suffering so much. Why you write such destiny of mine. Please help me to save my mother. I will do anything for her please god help me.”

One of Temple’s Pandits was listening to all conversation between God and Sanjay. Sanjay was standing there with eyes closed. Pandit touched his head. Sanjay opened his eyes. He eyes were numb. He wiped his eyes and does namaskar to Pandit. Pandit gives blessing to him.

Pandit said “I listen to your conversation with God. I want to tell you that God always kind with everyone and whoever comes to his temple never go empty hands. God always have something for everyone and for you definitely God have something. Believe in yourself, and the rest will fall into place. Have faith in your own abilities, work hard and there is nothing you cannot accomplish.”

Sanjay said “I lost my job today. I have ill mother and 3 siblings to feed. How can I give food to them and medicine without job, I’m so helpless.”

Pandit said “I told you God has written something very special for you in your destiny. You meet me at my home backside after 1 hour.”

Sanjay said “Ok Pandit ji.”

After 1 hour Sanjay went to Pandit’s home. He was living in hut which was behind temple. He gives Sanjay fruits to eat.

Pandit said “I have solution for your all problem. But you have to pay price for that.”

Sanjay said “I already said I don’t have money.”

Pandit said “Not in terms of money but something which will far more than money.”

Sanjay asked “What?”

Pandit said “You have to sacrifice your identity. Will you ready to sacrifice your identity to save your mother and siblings?”

Sanjay was thinking and was not able to understand what kind of identity he has to sacrifice to save his mother.

Pandit said “tell me are you ready to sacrifice your identity?”

Sanjay said “yes for my mother I will sacrifice my identity also. Anyway I don’t have any identity.”

Pandit said “Ok then I will tell you what you need to sacrifice to save your mother.”

Pandit told Sanjay that “You have to live as girl and do service of GOD for 4 months. Your mother’s operation will be done by temple trustee and your family will get Rs 20,000 monthly in your absence.”

Sanjay was totally shocked by Pandit’s demand.

He said “It’s not possible Pandit ji to give up my identity and live as girl. I thought you asked me other.”

Pandit said “No Sanjay, I mean it what I said. You give up your identity and live as GIRL. God has written this in your destiny. By this you will save your mother and your sisters and brothers will live good life. It’s just matter of 4 months. After that you will free to go anywhere and we will still give you monthly Rs 20000. I will give you 24 hour to decide. And go home and think about it.”

While going home Pandit’s word was moving all over in his brain. He stops and went back to Pandit. Pandit asked him his decision.

Sanjay said “Ok Pandit ji I am ready to live life as GIRL.”

Pandit gives him Rs 20000 for first month. He takes money and went back to home. Sanjay came back to home. He saw his ill mother coughing very badly.

He said to mother “Mom I got new job and going to another city. I will send you Rs 20,000 money monthly. I will be back in 4 months. Take care of yourself and my siblings.”

He gives her Rs 20,000. Mother said “take care of you also beta.”

His siblings were sad after hearing that their big brother will not live with them for 4 months.

Mother asked “Who paid you so much?”

Sanjay said “a new company don’t worry I will take care of mine.”

In early morning he took his bag and went to temple. Pandit took him inside his hut.

Pandit said “Now from today you give up your male identity and live as girl. Here are some girls living who help you to transform from Boy to Girl. But before start you have to fill one form.”

Sanjay said ok and he started filling form. Sanjay was 21 years old very handsome looking boy. But after filling form he was neither remain Boy. He filled all details in form and give by to Pandit. Pandit then called few girls who also doing service in temple.

Radha Meera and Geeta came to hut and asked Pandit “Where is our new sister who joining today?”

Pandit showed Sanjay to them and said “This is your new sister who joins today.”

All girls were in shocked. They asked “Pandit ji he is boy and not girl. How can he be our sister?”

Pandit said “today your first duty is to transform him into girl like you and bring to me when you were done with his transformation.”

All girls said “Ok Pandit ji. After his transformation he will become our sister.”

Pandit said “Right Beti…… Now go and do what I said.”

Radha holds Sanjay’s hand and take him to their room.

Sanjay was looking very surprised by all this events happening in his life.

Meera asked him “Why you want to service God as girl.”

Sanjay said “I don’t know Pandit told me to worship God as girl for 4 months then he will do operation of my mother and also provide money to my family in my absence.”

Radha asked “What happened to your mother?”

Sanjay told that his mother was suffering from kidney failure problem.

Geeta asked “But why you agreed to change your identity as girl? You know after change to girl it will difficult for you to turn back as guy.”

Sanjay said “Pandit told me that only 4 months I have to live as girl after that I am free to go.”

Radha said “Ok so now our duty to make you girl so girls gets started.”

Radha told Sanjay to remove his clothes so that they check his entire body. Sanjay asked them it is necessary to remove clothes in front of you.

Radha said “Yes Sanjay now you have to do whatever we said or Pandit said so starts removing your clothes.”

Sanjay said “Ok” and started removing his clothes. He was standing totally naked in front of Radha Meera and Geeta. He was earlier bodybuilder but now totally slim like models. His body doesn’t have much hair. Only light layer of body hair present all over body. He was wearing cap. Geeta told him to remove cap and untie his hair bun. He removed hat and untie his bun. They saw his beautiful long hair which was grown till his back. His hair was longer than Radha, Meera and Geeta.

Radha said “Wow…………. What a lovely hairs you have.”

Geeta saw his private part which was totally hidden in his groin hairs. All three started discussion that how to make him beautiful girl. Radha gives him paste of Sugar lemon and honey and told him to apply on entire body where he finds hairs. He applied that paste. After some time all three girls started pulling off that mixture from his body. With that his hairs also came off from body. He was in very much pain while removing paste from body. After some time his all body hairs removed including hairs from groin and anal area. His body was seeing very soft and glowing due to homemade waxing. He had very fair skin complexion and after waxing he was glowing like sun. Geeta told him to shave off his beard and moustache which was not cut since long time. Sanjay went to bathroom and shaved all his beard and moustache hair. He came out from bathroom. He was looking very feminine due to slim hairless body with long hair and clean shaven face. Radha was shocked seeing in clean shaven look. He was looking so handsome in clean shaven look than moustache and beard look.

Meera said “You are very handsome Sanjay and now you will become very gorgeous as girl.”

Geeta said “yeah Meera we will make him beautiful girl.”

After his shaving Radha gives him another sugar and lemon mixture and told him to apply on face. After few minutes she removed that from his face. With mask all his tiny unwanted small hairs which left in shaving came out. His face was also glowing due to mask.

Geeta said “Wow dear… God really made you so beautiful.”

Sanjay was feeling shy and said “Thanks for helping me.”

After that Meera do threading and give him nice beautifully arched shaped eyebrows. He was already looking like girl with all these procedures. Radha take him to one room where one Jacuzzi type area was present. Radha took scissor and cut his hair from bottom to make them even. After that she told him to enter Jacuzzi. The water was warm in that Jacuzzi. Meera and Geeta brings Reetha, shikakai and amla mix shampoo. Then all three girls wash his beautiful long hair with that shampoo. His hair became smooth and silky by using that shampoo. After that they give him steam to his hair. He came out from Jacuzzi and feels his own hair. He was never imagined that his own hair looked so much beautiful. Meera and Geeta went to another room for preparing for his new clothes.

Till they came back Radha was drying Sanjay hair.

Radha also feels the softness of his hair and said “Sanjay God really make mistake by born you as Guy. You should be born as Girl. You have each and every quality that any girl would imagine.”

Geeta said “Thanks Radha. Yes God make mistake and now he is correcting his mistake by making me as girl for 4 months.”

Radha knows that there is no come back after turning into girl but Sanjay was not aware of that truth. Meera called Radha and told her that Sanjay clothes were ready. Then Radha takes him to another room. Geeta was already present in that room with clothes. Sanjay saw bra panty blouse petticoat and saree was placed on table.

Radha told Sanjay “from now onwards you have to wear only ladies clothes till your stay.”

Sanjay was feeling nervous. He was never wearing any girl’s clothes before.

Sanjay said “Ok Radha. I am ready to become girl for next 4 months. But only dressing in girl’s clothes makes me girl?”

Radha said “in our world we judge people by the way they dressed and called them male or female accordingly. Though by wearing these clothes, it will not make you girl from inside, but your outer look definitely changed as a pretty and obedient girl.”

Sanjay was happy that he still stays guy from inside. Both Meera and Geeta started dressing up Sanjay in woman’s clothes. Geeta gives him panty to wear. Inside that she placed pad for safety. Meera told him to insert both hands in bra’s armhole. After that she clasps the bra from behind. Radha insert padding inside bra to get fuller look. After that Geeta told him to wear blouse and petticoat. He picks up petticoat and wears it. Then he pickup blouse and wear it. Meera helps him to button blouse from behind. Then Radha drapes Sanjay peach colour cotton saree. She neatly drapes saree on him so that Sanjay looks very beautiful. After draping, Sanjay saw himself in mirror. He was looking like young woman.

Radha said “You are looking very beautiful in Saree.”

Sanjay was feeling shy and not able what to say.

Meera said “Now Sanjay we need to work on your look so get ready.”

Sanjay said “Ok Meera.”

Geeta combed Sanjay’s beautiful and soft hair and make middle partition of it. Then she make single plait of his hair. Meera insert white jasmine garland in Sanjay’s hair. Radha came with needle which was sterilized. She told Sanjay that she wants to make holes in both ears as well as nose. Sanjay was afraid of pain happened due to piercing.

Radha said “Don’t worry. Pain will last for short time.”

Sanjay said “Ok do it.”

Radha marked on both ears and both so that she was able to make hole. After marking Radha makes holes in both ears. Sanjay was crying due to severe pain.

Radha said “Don’t cry. It will go after some time.”

Sanjay was very hesitating to do piercing in nose.

Radha said “please allow me to pierce your nose dear.”

Meera and Geeta hold him and Radha forcefully pierced his nose. Again pain was so much. She was crying like hell. Radha wipes his tears and said calm down Sanjay. I will apply medicine on your holes. That will reduce pain. Geeta applied lotion to his both ears and nose. After 5 minutes pain was reduced. He was feeling better.

Geeta said “Sanjay now we need to work on your face.”

Meera take out makeup box. She first applied toner on Sanjay’s face. Then she used light foundation because he already had very fair skin tone. After foundation she used compact powder and then using brush removes excess powder. She applied Kajal in both eyes. After that she used light peach colour glossy lipstick and applied on his lips. Radha put big red bindi on his forehead.

Radha asked him “How is your pain?”

Sanjay said “It was not much like earlier.”

Radha then insert a medium Nose ring in his nose. She also inserted nice earrings in both earlobes. Meera gives some golden chains to wear and Geeta gives him some matching bangles to wear. Radha painted his hands and toe nails using red nail polish. Geeta put silver anklets in his both legs.

Radha said “Sanjay now you are completely ready as Girl.”

Meera said “Sanjay you are looking very gorgeous.”

Geeta said “Yes! Sanjay you are looking very beautiful as girl.”

Radha said “Sanjay you are our new sister after dressing as girl. Pandit ji will be very happy after seeing you.”

Sanjay said “Thank you so much for your help. Without you this is not possible. Be my sister forever.”

Radha said “yeah Sanjay we will now be sisters for life.”

Geeta said “Let’s go to Pandit ji.”

And all 4 girls went to Pandit. Pandit was sleeping in his hut. All 4 girls came to him. Radha woke him up. Pandit wake up and saw Sanjay was standing wearing a saree.

Pandit said “Wow Sanjay you are looking very beautiful.”

Sanjay touched his feet to take blessing. Pandit said “Sada Sukhi Raho (Be always Happy).”

Pandit said Radha Meera and Geeta you make your sister very beautiful looking girl. Look at her isn’t she pretty?

Radha said “yes Panditji Sanjay is very pretty.”

Pandit said “From now we call him Sanju.”

Radha said “Sanju is very lovely name Panditji.”

Meera said “Welcome Sanju in our family.”

Geeta said “Sanju di Welcome.”

Sanjay is now Sanju, he said “Thanks Panditji for everything you do for my family.”

Pandit said “Now for 4 months you have to live like this. After 4 months your mother’s kidney transplant will perform.”

Sanju said “Ok Panditji but what kind of work I have to do here?”

Pandit said “Your life is now devoted to GOD. You are become now devdasi (Slave of God).”

Pandit said “from tomorrow you have to wake up early in morning at 4 AM. Take holy bath. Wear your clothes and do all cleaning of temple. After cleaning you have to collect flowers from garden for Pooja. You give all those collected flowers to other Pandit. Then don’t stand in temple while God’s prayer happened. Then you have to learn singing and dancing. You keep practising your dancing and singing. Your dressing should be always neat clean and proper. Don’t dress other than Saree. Radha, Geeta and Meera are always there to guide you. These 4 months worship God like it’s your only motto in life and then God will give you price for your devotion. Also don’t say no to any Pandit. You have to always obey every Pandit’s wish. Their wish is your command. You have to live with your sisters and take medicines regularly which I will give to you daily.”

Those pills will help you in singing and boost your stamina for work.

Sanju listens each and every words of Pandit very carefully and said “Yes Pandit ji I will do what you said and obeys each and every Pandit’s orders.”

Radha Meera and Geeta know what other Pandit’s will wish from Sanju.

Radha said “Ok Pandit ji we will leave now for some other work.”

Pandit said “Ok you go now and I will take care of your sister Sanju.”

They leave Pandit’s hut. Sanju was sitting on floor while Pandit was sitting on small sand stage.

Pandit said “Ok Sanju beta I am feeling tired so please give my legs some massage.”

Sanju said “Ok Pandit ji and he started pressing Pandit’s legs.”

Pandit said “Thanks beta for pressing my legs.”

Then Pandit told Sanju to cut some fruits. Sanju obeyed his wish and cut some fruits and gives him to eat.

After that Pandit said “Sanju you go now to your room and take rest. I think you also tired by all today’s activities.”

Sanju said “Ok Pandit ji”, and he again touches feet and takes blessing from Pandit.

Then he went to his room. Radha Meera and Geeta were already in room. Sanju was entered room.

Radha said “Welcome Sister to your new home.”

Sanju said “Thank you Radha.”

Geeta asked “What you do at Pandit’s hut.”

Sanju told everything happened in Pandit’s hut.

Meera said “From tomorrow actually your new life will start.”

Sanju said “yeah I have to bear everything for 4 months so that I help my mother.”

Radha was seen uncomfortable she identified that something not good will happen with Sanju.

After 4 months Sanju whole life will change which was he unaware of? Pandit sends some medicines for Sanju. Sanju took those medicines. That medicine was very bitter in taste.

Radha asked “Sanju Do you really know the meaning of slave of GOD?”

Sanju said “Earlier I don’t know but Pandit ji was explained me that I have to worship GOD like true devotee that makes me his slave.”

Radha said “No Sanju that is not meaning of slave of God. Ok I leave it you will understand after staying here more days.”

Sanjay was looking confused after talking with Radha.

Sanjay was thinking “Is he in trouble?”

In evening Sanju saw how Radha Meera and Geeta with other girls do dancing and singing. They were taught by another old lady from temple. She was also looking beautiful. She was wife of another Pandit from temple.

They all said her “GURUMATA.”

Radha introduced Sanju to Gurumata. Sanju touches her feet.

She said “Saubhagyawati bhavah.”

She asked “Who is this beautiful new girl?”

Radha said “Gurumata she is Sanju.”

Gurumata said “Oh you are Sanju. What a beautiful looking girl you are. Pandit ji told me about you Sanju.”

Radha thinks what Pandit ji told Gurumata and What Gurumata knows?

Gurumata asked “You like Singing and dancing?”

Sanju said “I never sing or dance in my life.”

Gurumata asked “Why you sound like a Guy.”

Sanju said “because I am Guy Gurumata. You just lived as an obedient girl as devdasi, here for next 4 months.”

Gurumata said “Oh My God……….. I never had seen such a gorgeous boy in saree in my life.”

Mata said “Pandit ji was not told me that you are boy.”

Sanju said “I am here living temporarily so maybe he was not told you.”

Gurumata said “R u working here as Devdasi?”

Sanju said “Yes Mata. I am new Devdasi.”

Gurumata understands what Pandit ji has done. Gurumata knows that after becoming devdasi there is no return in previous life and only male child allowed to become devdasi and not girls.

Gurumata said “Ok Sanju I will teach you dance and singing till you are here.”

Sanju said “Ok Gurumata.”

Then Gurumata was teaching other girls dancing. Next morning Sanju was wake up at 4 AM with Radha Meera and Geeta. They all take bath and wear clothes. Sanju was told to wear special clothes. After bath Radha gives Sanju red colour Saree and red sleeveless blouse. Radha help Sanju to drape Red saree. She also does minimum makeup of Sanju. Sanju put red bindi on forehead and insert long dangling earrings in both ears and a small nose ring in his nose. Sanju went to temple to sweep it and then mop with water. She wipes entire temple area by hands. She was very tired by sweeping and mopping. It took 2 hours to clean temple area and no one present there to help her. After that at 6 AM all Pandit gathered for morning prayers. Sanju knows that she was not allowed inside so went back to garden for collecting flowers. Sanju was collecting different types of flowers in one pot. After some time some other girls also came there to collect flowers. She saw Sanju and started chuckling. Sanju was unable to understand their behaviour. She thought maybe yesterday at Gurumata place other girls also know that is not girl. After that Sanju went to temple to give Pandit collected flowers. Other Pandit’s saw Sanju. They know that Sanju was new slave of God.

Pandit asked “What is your name?”

Sanju said “Pandit ji my name is Sanju. I am new here.”

Pandit said “Ok Sanju always obeys what Pandit said to you remembers this.”

Sanju was not able to understand why all Pandits want him to obey their orders. Then Sanju went back to Pandit’s hut. Pandit was not present at his hut. Then Sanju was looking for Radha Meera and Geeta but they also not seen anywhere. After not finding anyone Sanju came back to his hut. She saw some books inside room. She takes one book and starts reading it. She was so lost in book that she was unaware of how so much time lapsed. She has to go to Gurumata for learning dancing and singing. Sanju changed his Saree and wears another Saree. All other girls were already practising dancing and singing. Sanju was reach late at that place.

She said “Sorry Gurumata for delay.”

Gurumata said “Its ok but next time be on time.”

Sanju said ok and Gurumata started teaching Sanju dancing and singing. Till evening Gurumata teach Sanju Dancing. Like good student Sanju learns dancing steps.

After one month Sanju become master in singing and dancing in 1 month. Her daily routine was fixed. Wake up early morning then sweep and mop entire temple and then collects flowers. After that learn dancing and singing and practice it all day. In evening make some food for all sisters and some Pandit.

Sanju was unaware that her voice becomes girly and her all behaviour also becomes very feminine. She behaves like any other genetic girl. Due to those pills which Pandit gives Sanju showing effect on her? Sanju’s real boob’s developed. In one month growth of her boobs were of any teenage girl. Her body becomes very soft and curvier in shape. All extra fats deposited on hips and make her face chubbier.

In one month Sanju was transform into 50% girl. Radha Meera and Geeta also have seen changes in Sanju. Sanju becomes very good dancer and singer in whole temple. All girls and Pandit’s praises her for her singing and dancing. Sanju was forgetting that she was guy once. Her day to day activities make her totally girl. She was always wearing Saree and ornaments. She always looks very good and different from other girls. Gurumata also started liking her because she was different from rest of girls. After 2 months Hormone effect seeing on body very fast. Homemade Ayurveda hormone pills create significant changes in overall persona. Sanju’s boobs were grows very big. Actually His boobs were seen bigger than Radha Geeta and Meera. Also face was seen very feminine than before with very soft hairless skin. Sanju also noticing changes in body but he was unaware that he was taking Ayurveda hormone pills given by Pandit ji. He asked about changes happened to his body to Pandit. And Pandit ji told him that due to your dedication towards your goal God has doing all this. Sanju was not by with that answer from Pandit ji. He again asked same to Radha and Geeta.

They said “Sanju, the pills you are taking daily for your voice is nothing but hormones pills. Now your body stops creating male hormones and that is replaced by female hormones.”

Sanju was in shocked. Pandit ji kept him dark about Female hormones. He was furious on Radha and Geeta who knows all but kept truth hide from him.

Radha said “Sanju we are very sorry but if we told truth to you then Pandit ji not spared us at all and throws us out from temple and you tell me where we gone that time? We have no place other than temple.”

Sanju was calm down and said “now tell me what next happened to me.”

Radha said “We really not known Sanju.”

Sanju said “Just 4 months and then I am gone forever from here.”

Radha said to her “Poor guy not known what will happen to him.”

Sanju then went to bathroom take holy bath then wear very simple saree and blouse and without doing any makeup and without wearing any accessories she went to cleaning temple. While cleaning temple some Pandits were having some discussion. They saw Sanju was mopping temple floor. Due to sweat he was totally wet. He was wearing transparent saree and blouse so due to wetness Sanju’s boobs seeing through that wet saree. All Pandits were staring at Sanju. Sanju was ignorant about his look. Main Pandit came there and saw other Pandits staring at devdasi. He scolds all Pandits and told them to go inside temple. Sanju saw main Pandit present there. He came near him and trying to touch his feet for blessing.

That Pandit stops him and said “You are not allowed to touch me. This is final and last warning never touches me.”

Sanju was stunned by seeing Pandit’s behaviour. Sanju held back and started doing his mopping.

That main Pandit also went to Temple. Then main morning prayers starts and as per rule she was not present during prayer so she went to garden for collecting flowers. There Sanju saw one girl same as her picking flowers from garden.

Sanju went to near her and asked “Who are you and what is your name? Never seen you before here?”

Girl said “My name is Mansi. I am new Devdasi of this temple and come here yesterday.”

Sanju said “means you are guy from inside?”

Mansi asked “How do you know?”

Sanju said “My name is Sanju and I am also devdasi here from last 2 months and I am also guy.”

Mansi asked “Then what is your Real name?”

Sanju said “My name is Sanjay.”

Mansi said “My name is Manish. I also live as girl from last 2 months but not here. I was living in other temple and Pandit ji bring me here yesterday.”

Sanju said “Then we are sisters now. Tell me your story how you become devdasi.”

Radha and Geeta called Sanju. They saw Sanju was talking with new girl.

They enquire about her and Sanju said “She is our new sister. She is new devdasi just came yesterday.”

Radha said “Another poor guy converted into beautiful girl for sake of God. God please save both guys from all evil people.”

Sanju said “Mansi your story heard next time by the way where you staying?”

Mansi said “I was staying besides Main Pandit ji hut.”

Sanju said “Ok dear see you later.”

Mansi said “ok dear.”

Then Radha and Geeta bring Sanju to Pandit ji. Sanju was already furious on Pandit ji due to hormones.

She asked again “Why hormones Pandit ji?”

Pandit said “Beti as I said you have to live as girl here for 4 months and how you become girls without those beautiful pair of boobs which are clearly visible through your saree.”

Sanju hides her boobs from another towel.

Sanju said “But I am guy and after 4 months I wanted my male life back and with this boobs how I live life as guy again.”

Pandit said “No problem Beti. With operation we removed your boobs so that so get your old life back.”

Sanju was happy by hearing those good sentences from Pandit. Sanju asked “How is my family?”

Pandit said “All family members were very well and soon your mother get kidney transplant.”

Sanju said “Thank you Pandit ji” and seek blessing from him.

Sanju asked “Pandit ji I met new girl Mansi at garden. Do you know her?”

Pandit said “yeah she is also slave of God like you and will serve 12 months here.”

Sanju ASKED “Why 12 months?”

Pandit said “Different people different wish and different span of serving God. You are lucky that you only serve for 4 months. Many girls were stay here for many years and some were spending their whole life here.”

Sanju said “Thank God that I just live here for 4 months then I am free.”

Pandit said “yes Beti.”

Then Pandit give Sanju some work related to temple and then all of them gone to their room. Sanju finished her work and come to room and saw Mansi was present in her room.

She said “Hi dear. How come here?”

Mansi said “Just wanted to meet you all. There I was alone so feel very bored.”

Sanju said “Don’t worry; sisters come here whenever you feel to talk with us. By the way you learn singing and dancing from Guru Mata.”

Mansi said “Yeah as per Pandit ji order I will learn dancing and singing from Guru Mata.”

Sanju said “That’s nice. So tell us how Manish becomes Mansi!”

Mansi said “My name is Manish Pandey. I am 26 year old living earlier in Banaras. I was working in bank as clerk. As you see I was very handsome looking guy with very nice skin complexion which helps in adding my charm. After my two year job in bank one day bank was robbed by some goons and they kidnap me from bank in demand of safe release of all goons from bank. They take me along with them and kept in hostage. Bank and police thought that I was one of them and they issue warrant against me. I have no proof to show my innocence. Also they trouble my family in Banaras. Then one Pandit from Ghats of Banaras told me to hide in temple for 1 year and serve god and clean my sin then after 1 year God show me route to prove my innocence. Then that temple they transformed me to Mansi. And now here I am in front of you serving God.”

Sanju said “OMG…….. So sad! Just finish your term her and then you are free.”

Sanju asked “Then why you not living with us and live alone with main Pandit ji.”

Mansi said “I don’t know dear. Main Pandit told me to live besides him.”

Sanju said “Ok.”

Radha knows why Main Pandit kept Mansi besides him.

Radha said “careful with some people here coz you are new here.”

Mansi said “Ok DIDI.”

Geeta said “Why all beautiful looking guys come here and converted into girls and giving us complex.”

Radha said “Right Geeta all beautiful guys looked very beautiful as girl and looked at us. We are looking very average in front of them.”

Sanju said “No dear you are also very beautiful.”

Geeta said “Stop saying lie. We know how we looked and it’s our great privilege that you girls come here and become our sisters.”

Sanju cried and hugged them. Mansi also hugged them. Then they went to Guru Mata for dancing and singing class. At hall other girls were already doing dancing and some girls doing singing.

Guru Mata saw Mansi and asked “Who is she?”

Mansi said in manly voice “I am Mansi. New devdasi of temple.”

Guru Mata again understands that again another beautiful girl transformed from handsome guy and makes him slave of God.

Guru Mata asked “You like dancing and singing?”

Mansi said “No Mata but I have to learn because Devdasi should know dancing and singing so teach me dancing and singing.”

Mata asked “From how long you dressed as girl?”

Mansi said “Mata from Last 2 months.”

Mata asked “Then why no boobs developed yet and your voice also not changed?”

Mansi said “I was living in another temple and there no one teaches me how to talk feminine voice and I am guy so how I develop boobs.”

Guru Mata said “Mansi looked At Sanju. She also living here from last 2 months and she developed real boobs here and also her voice become very sweet and feminine.”

Mansi said “so, in Next 2 months I also become like Sanju?”

Mata said “Yes! I will teach you everything with I teach Sanju and other girls.”

Mansi said “Ok Mata.”

And then Mata started teaching dancing and singing to Mansi. Sanju and other girls’ also practiced dance and singing with Mansi. Like Sanju Mansi also quick learner and she learns all quickly.

After 3 months………..

Both Sanju and Mansi was trained in dancing and singing and temple trustee decided to arrange one dancing and singing competition in temple where all girls and devdasi were participated. In 3 months Sanju was become very good classical dancer and Mansi also learn very nice dancing in 1 month. At competition Sanju was judge as best dancer and singer. All girls were feeling jealous by Sanju’s achievements.

They knows that being a guy how Sanju did very delicate moves and expression while dancing. And also in singing Sanju’s voice was like so sweet and pure like goddess Saraswati. Main Pandit was also chief guest of function and by his hands prize distribution takes place. Sanju was remember Main Pandit’s word that never touch him again so while taking prize she totally ignore main Pandit and not accept trophy from his hands. Instead of she received prize from Guru MATA by her insist.

And that makes Main Pandit angry. He was so furious by behaviour of Sanju so, he decided to teach Sanju Lesson. He come down from dice and went to his hut. All other Pandit was eating food served by girls. Main Pandit was not eaten anything. After Pandits lunch over all girls and devdasi eat food. At night when Geeta Radha Sanju Mansi and Meera playing in room one Pandit come with message of main Pandit that he needs devdasi Sanju for some work and she sleep in Mansi’s room tonight.

Sanju asked “What work need to be done by this time?”

Pandit said “Don’t know only main Pandit knows.”

Sanju said “You go and I will follow you soon.”

Then Radha said “Sanju be careful with main Pandit. Today you ignore him at event and he is also furious on you for some reason.”

Sanju said “Don’t worry Radha. I handle him very well. I am still guy and powerful also.”

Then Sanju went to Main Pandit’s hut. Sanju knocks the hut door.

Pandit opens door and said “Come inside” and he locked door from inside.

Sanju saw that door was locked by Pandit.

He asked “Why door is locked.”

Pandit said “I locked door because I don’t want any one disturb us.”

Sanju asked “What work you want to do from me.”

Pandit said “You are devdasi and whatever any Pandit said that you should obeys at any cost. This is main rule of temple for slave of god.”

Sanju said “I know all rules of temple so please tell me what you want?”

Pandit said “I want you to serve me tonight.”

Sanju asked “What you mean.”

Pandit came near Sanju and pulled off her dupatta. Sanju was in shocked.

He said “Pandit what are you doing?”

Pandit said “you so please me tonight.”

Sanju said “Pandit I am guy and this is not possible.”

Pandit said “no you are girl and more you are slave of God so obey what I said otherwise God will curse you.”

Sanju was very scared by demands of Pandit. Sanju was deciding to leave hut and go back to his own room. Due to lock door he was unable to go outside. Pandit laugh loudly and pickup Sanju’s saree and pulling him towards him. Sanju was unable to stop him. Due to hormones his all-male power decreases and he was become more delicate and feminine. He was totally helpless before strong Pandit. Sanju’s saree was come out from his body due to pulling. He was standing just in blouse and petticoat.

Sanju said “please Pandit leave me, for god sake. I am guy and leaving this temple next month. Please don’t do this to me.”

Pandit laughs and said “Who told you that you will leave in next month. Once slave of God is always Slave of God for lifetime. Now you will live here forever till your death and serve God as well as all Pandits in this temple.”

Sanju was in shocked when he heard that there is no escape from this and he will live as girl forever as well as serve God till end of life. Pandit came closer to Sanju and holds his waist tightly and pulled him towards him. Sanju’s boobs were pressing his chest. With no time he pulled petticoat’s thread. Because of that his petticoat was fall on ground and Sanju was standing in blouse and Panty. He was trying to save his dignity by covering panty with one hand. Pandit then tears his blouse and unhooks all buttons of blouse. Sanju now was standing only in bra and panty. Sanju was pleading in front of Pandit but Pandit was very reluctant to free Sanju at any cost. Sanju was looking very sexy in bra and panty. Many times Pandit was ignoring his desire to fuck Sanju. He was liking him from very first day when he was entered the temple but keeping his desire with himself for 3 months but now he was out of control. Sanju was looking for place to hide but all in vein. Pandit was following him everywhere. Finally Pandit grabs Sanju and throws him on bed.

Then jump on him and tied his hands and legs to bed. Sanju was totally helpless after tiding hands and legs. Pandit then removed his all clothes and stands naked in front of Sanju. Sanju closed his eyes after seeing huge naked body of Pandit. His dick was very small and belly was huge. Also all body covered with thick black hairs.

Pandit said “Look at me Sanju. Today you’re going to treat me like your husband. Make me happy and in return I will give you pleasure and lots of blessing from God.”

Sanju said “You fucking pervert old man. I am your daughters age respect it.”

Pandit was angry when he heard pervert from Sanju, he said “You fucking shemale, how dare you. Now you’ll see the monster within me and you’re gonna regret for your lifetime.”

He tears Sanju’s bra and panty and makes him full nude. Sanju boobs were exposed after removing bra and his dick was also visible after removing his silk panty. Pandit then came near him and started playing with his Penis and Boobs. Sanju was totally helpless. He was still resisting but due to hands and legs tied by rope he hardly moves body. Pandit was sucking his nipples very brutally. Then he started stroking his dick to make it hard. But due to hormones Sanju’s dick was unable to erect. But Pandit was not leaving his dick and stroking again very fast. After some time Sanju’s dick was started erecting and becomes hard. Then Pandit was started sucking his dick. Due to constant jerking Sanju was ejaculate in Pandit’s mouth. He eats that cum. He likes it very much. Sanju was ejaculates after 3 months. He never masturbate own when he was living in temple. He was totally forgotten that he was guy and he needs to masturbate regularly.

Due to hormones his libido decreases and dick strength also decreases. After that he unties his ropes and makes him free. Sanju was already feeling very weak. He already surrendered to Pandit because he knows that he was not previous Sanjay at all who can fight any guy. Sanjay is now Sanju and he is now become very weak and soft and delicate girl whose male strengths vanish and any male overcome his power. Pandit asked Sanju to go down on his knees and suck his dick.

Sanju tried hard to resist but he was too weak in front of Pandit and in few minutes, he was goes on his knees and takes Pandit’s dick on his hand and started jerking it to make it hard. Sanju was very ashamed but he has no option left.

After some jerks his dick erects and Pandit said “Take my dick in your mouth and suck it like bitch and give me pleasure.”

Sanju had no choice but to obey Pandit’s orders. He very hesitantly put his dick in his mouth and started sucking it. Sanju was crying while sucking dick. Pandit holds his long hair tightly and started moving his head. He inserted his dick deep inside his throat that he couldn’t take breath due to that. He was very brutally throat fuck Sanju. After some time he said lie on bed in doggy style. Sanju stands up and sits on bed in doggy style.

Sanju said “Please Pandit ji leave me. My whole life destroys, this is so embarrassing.”

Pandit said “No baby your whole life get blossomed.”

Then Pandit inserts his dick into Sanju Ass.

“Ouch ohhhh mahhhhhhhhh……oh my god, oh my god, please, please, please, no, please stop, no, no, please, for god sake, don’t do this to me, ohhhh, please, please ohhhhhhh, noooooooooooo, noooooooooooo, aaaaiieeeeeee, aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhh, Mmmmmm, noooooooooooo, stop please, please, aaaiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee, aaaaahhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhh, …..”Sanju was screaming very loudly due to pain.

This was his first time so his small anal not able to take his large Penis inside. He started bleeding. But Pandit was very unwilling to free Sanju. He inserting his dick very forcefully inside his small anal and the pain were unbearable for Sanju and he was faint there.

Pandit knows that first timers always fall due to pain. He throws water on Sanju Face. Due to that he gets his consciousness. Then again Pandit said sit like doggy. Sanju begs Pandit for not fucking him but Pandit was not in any mood. He slaps Sanju on face. The slap was so hard that blood coming from his mouth.

Pandit said “Bitch do what I said otherwise I will fuck whole night and ask other Pandit also to fuck you till you dead.”

Then Sanju sits like doggy on bed. Again his dick was inside his ass. Again he was screams very loudly due to pain. Sanju was crying and blood was coming from his mouth and ass. Pandit increases his speed of fucking and pain was double with each pushing. Finally he ejaculates inside his ass. Whole semen and blood was coming out from ass. Sanju was fall on bed. He was holding his ass from both hands. He was feeling burning sensation inside ass like someone put fire inside his ass.

Pandit said “Oh my god you are very awesome Sanju. Never feel so much fun while fucking other girls.”

Sanju said “You destroy my life. Now I can’t face the world with such humiliation.”

Pandit said “Why you face the world? You not go anywhere to face world. You are slave of God and live here in this temple till your last breath and now it’s just your opening match in coming days you will be fucked by many Pandits from this temple and from outside temple also.”

Sanju said “No way I am not going to allow to this happens with me.”

Pandit laughs and said “You are slave and we all your masters and slave don’t have any powers to choose.”

Sanju said “I will run from this place.”

Pandit said “In your fucking dreams. You are not able to run from this because we inserted GPS transmitter in your body which you also not known and wherever you go our people find your location and grabs you and send back here.”

Sanju was looking very dejected by hearing all this from Pandit. He thought that now this is his life and no one will be able to change his destiny. He was worried about his sister and mother. He asked about his family.

Pandit said “Look your family is living good life by sacrificing you to God. They all paid very well and your mothers operation is also successful.”

Sanju was happy that his mother’s operation was successful. He was crying that at least his life was used to save his mother and sister. He picks up his saree and wrap around body to hide boobs and dick. Then he tied his hair and make bun and asked permission to leave.

Pandit said “Where are you going? I never give you permission to go outside then where are you going?”

Sanju said “Pandit ji I am going to my room.”

Pandit said “from today you live here only with me and do all my works only nothing else.”

Sanju said “But I was told to live with other girls.”

Pandit said “That was past and now you have to live with me only.”

Sanju said “Please, for god sake allow me to meet my friends.”

Pandit said “Now no friends and no dance and no singing just me and only me.”

Then Pandit told Sanju to press his legs. He was lying on bed and Sanju started pressing his legs.

He said “Use force.”

Sanju said “Yes Pandit ji” and started pressing hardly.

Sanju was totally exhausted by hardcore sex but still trying to use full power to press legs. Pandit was sleeping naked. After some time Pandit went to sleep and Sanju also sleep near his legs. In morning Pandit was wake up early for morning Pooja. He saw Sanju was sleeping near his legs.

He hits him by leg and said “Wake up, you fucking shemale bitch.”

Sanju was fallen on floor. He was not understood what happened with him. He saw Pandit was on bed naked and he was on floor.

Pandit said “Take bath and get ready for cleaning.”

Sanju said “Pandit I am feeling so much pain in my ass. I barely walk due to pain. Please allow me to rest today after taking some medicine I feel better.”

Pandit said “Don’t do any Sanju. I fucked many girls like you. They all said same reason to avoid duty. Do whatever your duty is or I will punish you for not doing duty.”

Helpless Sanju look at Pandit and went to bathroom for bath.”

After coming out from bathroom Sanju asked his clothes.

Pandit said “here are not any clothes.”

Sanju asked “Then what to DO?”

Pandit said “Ok now you stay here and take rest and I will bring all you’re belonging from your room.”

Sanju said “Please call Radha and Mansi. I want to talk with them.”

Pandit said “No talking with anyone.”

Then Pandit went outside locking door from outside. Sanju was cursing his destiny. For next two weeks, Pandit had a lot of brutal hardcore sex with Sanju every night. Sanju was starting to lose courage, now he was convinced that his life was ruined and now he would have to spend the rest of his life as a slave of this pundit. Sanju started yearning to hear the voices of Radha, Mansi and Geeta. Sanju used to cry a lot every night after sex, cursing his luck that why did he come to this place to ask for help? In all these days no one even tried to find him. Sanju had high hopes from Radha and Geeta that they would get him out of this jail but the second week was about to end and both of them had no idea Sanju was in a lot of grief, Pandit raping her like this every day, inside I had broken so much that now Sanju would quietly have sex with Pandit and sleep on the ground.

Sanju said “God why you do this to me.” First make us poor then make me girl and then take my respect Why god why…?”

After sometime, door knocks. He heard Radha and Mansi’s voice from outside.

They asked “Sanju Are you inside dear?”

Sanju came near door and started sobbing and said “Yeah dear I am inside. Pandit locked me inside and he raped me brutally last night.”

Radha said “I am sorry dear. I know it that someday this happens and sorry for not telling you truth.”

Mansi said “this Pandit was raping me from the day I came here. Sorry Sanju that I didn’t tell this to you.”

Sanju said “You go Mansi; I don’t want to talk with you. You broke my trust. You hide such a very important thing from me.”

Radha said “Sorry dear we are extremely sorry.”

Then they went. Sanju was crying that his close pals not tell anything about the Pandit. After morning Pooja Pandit came to his room. He opened the door locks and saw Sanju was sleeping on floor. He comes along with bag containing all belongings of Sanju. He put that bag on table and again hit Sanju with leg to wake him up. He again rolled few times due to hitting and wakes up gruffly. He saw Pandit.

He asked “why you wake up me by hitting?”

Pandit said “I like it.”

Sanju said “it hurts every time.”

Pandit said “I hurt very badly when you insult me yesterday and now you have to pay the price of my insult.”

Sanju said “it’s not my intention to hurt you.”

Pandit said “But I insulted by you and that’s reality and pay price.”

He said “I bring all your belonging from your room and never went there and no meeting or no talk with them. If I found that you break this rule then remember I will punish you such way that you remember for whole life and never dare to do same mistake again.”

Sanju said “Ok Pandit ji, I won’t go there and not talk to them.”

Sanju then picks up his bags and check clothes for wear. He took out bra panty and another saree with petticoat and blouse and went for bath again. She removed saree and check body which showing marks of brutality from Pandit. Also his ass was paining like hell. He quickly takes shower and washes hairs. Then wear saree and came out from bathroom. Pandit was sitting on chair discussing something with Pandit who brought Sanju to temple. He saw Sanju there and was in shocked.

He asked “What is u doing here?”

Pandit said “Our slave of God serving me.”

Pandit said “But she is different from others and we can’t use her for this purpose.”

Pandit said “I don’t know about that. I wanted her at any cost and finally I got it. Yesterday we spend good night together.”

Pandit asked “You have sex with her?”

Pandit said “More than that.”

Pandit was very angry and said “Just release her from your duty as early as possible otherwise I will this to trustee and then they will take call on you and I am pretty sure they’ll definitely punish you and you’ve to accept their punishment.”

Pandit was afraid after hearing trustee’s name.

He said “No please don’t do this. Take her with you.”

Pandit said to Sanju “Let’s go Sanju.”

Sanju was not able to understand how Pandit suddenly changes after hearing trustees name. Sanju was unable to walk due to pain.

Pandit said “Look what you have done with this poor girl. She was unable to walk properly. If anything happens to her then God save you from trustee’s anger.”

Sanju said “Pandit ji fucked me brutally and he beats me as well. I want him to suffer the same as his punishment.”

Pandit said “Look, this act is so shameful for all of us and I will demand a cruel punishment for this act. Don’t worry beti, I’m here and I’ll always protect you.

Again Sanju heard trustees name and he was not able to understand why each problem with him connected to trustee and why trustee punish Pandit because of him. He took his bag and left Pandit’s hut with Pandit. Pandit ji escort Sanjay to him room. He finds Radha Mansi Meera and Geeta there.

They all come to him and said “Welcome Sanju.”

Sanju said “Sorry girls for my behaviour.”

Radha said “It’s ok dear.”

And then Pandit said “Girls take her with you and take care of her. She is not well and I send some medicine used that properly and apply proper place.”

Radha understand what Pandit ji wants to say. Radha said “Don’t worry Pandit. We will take care of her.”

Then they went inside room. Sanju was lied down on bed. He was feeling pain in ass so he was not able to lie down properly. Radha comes with medicine. She said girls you all go outside. Then Radha told Sanjay to remove panty so that she can apply lotion on his ass.

After seeing his ass Radha said “OMG what that wicked man had done to you. He totally destroyed your anal. It is good that you’re not a proper girl otherwise, he’ll make you pregnant by the way.”

Sanju said “yeah dear will tell you in detail what had happen with me.”

Then Sanju narrates entire incident. Radha was crying for Sanju and feel very anger for Pandit. While listening she applied lotion to his ass. His ass was soaring but after taking pain control pills he feels better. Then Sanju went to sleep. All girls come inside. Radha told them what happened with Sanju. They all feels for Sanjay.

Mansi said “Girls That Pandit was doing same with me for so many months but never such thing happened with me.”

Radha said “That Pandit have sex with so many devdasi but never heard such thing before.”

Then also went to their own work. In evening they all back from their work. They found Guru Mata there. She was sitting near to Sanjay.

Radha asked “Guru Mata what you doing here?”

She said “I know everything from Pandit. Whatever happened with Sanju is not good.”

Radha said “We will protest to trustee about this incident?”

Guru Mata said “No now don’t tell anything to trustee. We take call on this later but for now take care of her first.”

Meera said “Yeah Guru Mata we will take care of her.”

Then she left. Sanju was awaking slowly. Pain was reduced but soaring is still there.

Radha asked “How do you feel Sanju?”

Sanju said “I am better now dear. Thanks for caring me.”

Radha said “You are my sister and it’s my duty to help and take care of my sister.”

Pandit also came to see Sanjay health.

Pandit said “Don’t worry Beti everything will be alright.”

Sanjay asked “Pandit ji, what is going on? That pervert Pandit did wrong to me and he is still roaming around like nothing happened! And when will I am free from all these, in this month’s end?”

Pandit looked tensed and said “Don’t think about that now. You take rest and we will discuss it later.”

Then Pandit thought Sanju again asked some questions related to his freedom so he thought better to leave that place. After 4 days Sanju back to normal. Panditji called Radha and tell her whole secret why Sanju will not get back to her home and why Sanju will not again become Man again. Radha was happy at one side but sad also because she leaves temple very soon and live new life outside temple.

In these 3 months they become very close friends like sisters.

So, Radha said “Pandit we all miss Sanju so much.”

Pandit said “Don’t worry she will visit here.”

Radha said “But visited different and live together is different.”

Pandit said “It’s all for better future of her.”

Radha asked “Why we girls not get such chance and why only devdasi gets that chance.”

Pandit said “Well only lucky beautiful devdasi got such chance and not all devdasi got that chance and they required only Male who transformed into girl and not biological girls.”

Radha asked “Will Sanju’s dick cut and give her Vagina to make her complete woman.”

Pandit said “Maybe or, maybe not.”

Radha said “Ok Pandit thanks for sharing secret with me. I won’t tell anyone about this”

Then she left.

Pandit said “God please help that poor boy so that he help his family.”

Sanju packs all her bags and dress up in shirt and pant. She asked Radha to cut her long hair.

Radha said “Sanju what you doing? You can’t wear these male clothes and you can’t cut your hair.”

Sanju asked “but why? As agreement after 4 months I am free to go and I am doing same.”

Radha said “No dear…….. There is no going back from this now. In 4 months you totally transformed into girl physically as well as mentally. Just by wearing these clothes and cut hair not make you male anymore. You still look like girl by wearing these male clothes so don’t wear them.”

Sanjay said “I want to talk to Pandit ji”

Radha said “Ok let’s go to them” and then they went to Pandit’s hut.

Pandit knows why Sanju came there.

He said “Look Sanju”

Sanju interrupted and said “Call me Sanjay now. I am free from your devdasi duty. I want my previous life back. You told me that I am free to live as I want after 4 months.”

Pandit said “Yeah I told you that time but now this is not possible. Look at you. From which angle you look like male. If you wear this cloths and cut hair short still people call you girl. And this way you live with people outside then again someone used you as you used by our own Pandit. So just listen to me you live here as girl.”

Sanju said “I want to meet my ailing mother and sister. That Pandit told me that my mother’s operation was done but you said it is yet to happen so who is telling truth.”

Pandit said “yeah it’s true that your mother’s operation is yet to happen.”

Sanju asked “When will happen?”

Pandit said “Doctor is working on it and when they said it’s time for do operation then we will perform.”

Sanju asked “What about my sister? How’s is she?”

Pandit said “She is also fine, we were giving them money.”

Sanju asked “When will I am free from this.”

Pandit said “very soon, but before one more thing has to be happened.”

Sanju asked “and what’s that?”

Pandit said “that Pervert is yet to be punished for his actions. He will be sentenced today itself by a panel of trustees.”

Then Sanju felt relaxed as that pervert is going to be punished and nodded his head with agreement and leave with Radha.

Sanju come to his room and asked Radha “Why Pandit ji acting like this to me.”

Radha said “It’s all for your better future.”

Sanju asked “Means?”

Radha said “Well you serve God here for 4 months and for that change your identity also. So for your all these sacrifices God will give you nice reward but for that you have to live as girl only and no going back to male.”

Sanju asked “but why?

Radha said “Wait dear this is not time to tell you all.”

Sanju said “Ok” then he went to Guru Mata and asked her about his freedom.

Guru Mata said “Well Sanju no one will tell you truth but I have to tell you truth and truth is that our temple trustee has 5 sons and for their youngest son Ishaan, one dulhan is required and its ritual that only this temple’s devdasi was chosen by their family as daughter in law. And I am very sure that if the trustee has to choose either you or Mansi as his daughter-in-law, he will choose you as his daughter-in-law.

Both Mansi and Sanju asked “together why Gurumata? Do not do such unfair with the both.”

Gurumata said “accept any one of the two as your daughter in law. Any one of you will be set free only on the condition that before the marriage is completed, do not like any other man who will be freed, because if this happens then he too will marry a man. Have to do it. And that too with the whole rituals. When you will be taken to the Trustee's front and then if you ask for a marriage, then the answer must always be yes. Because not to speak in front of our Trustee means that the freedom of both of you will be snatched together, and you both will have to become the dulhan of the Trustee's daughter together.”

Sanju said “I do not want to marry any man, I have to marry a girl according to my natural nature, I want to settle down my house, become a husband. I don't want to marry a man; I want to marry a woman. I am still a man, even though I look like a girl because of female hormones, but I am not a girl, right!”

Manish said “yes Gurumata, we are boys, and how can we marry with a man?”

Gurumata said “Now shut up, both of you and listen to me carefully and settle in your mind. After today, if either of you flaunts your masculinity in front of me, then I will ask the trustee to make both of you the dulhans and trustee’s son marry you both take both of you with them. And if you both don't want that, then do quietly as I say. This will mean that the son of the trustee, who does not accept the son of the two of you as his dulhan, will be freed from here. Only one of you will be questioned and it will be whether you want to become the daughter-in-law of my family and whoever is asked this question has to answer only and only yes, have you both understood my point or not! Now go and prepare for the evening, Radha, it is your responsibility to dress both like a proper dulhan and another thing, both of them should be worn with the heavy nathiyas and jhumkis. Now go, prepare these two.”

Radha started preparing to decorate Sanju and Manish like a dulhan.

Radha said “I think, Sanju, to be honest, I think the trustee's son and his family will like you. Because Mansi is as dark as you are fair. Your eyes and nose are very sharp, like girls. And the face of Manish is not like that of girls at all. Sanju, I feel very bad for you, just imagining how tough it would be for you to be a man's dulhan, my soul is trembling.”

Manish was also happy to hear this and said “Radha, you are absolutely right! Yes, Radha is speaking right Sanju. You’re more beautiful than me; I also feel that the trustee's son will definitely select you as his dulhan. I will also come, but I’m pretty sure that he’ll not gonna select me and then I will be free forever.

It is not that easy to become free from this place. Even if Sanju is accepted as the dulhan, you will have to stay here until Sanju and the trustee's son get married. And in the meantime, if another man likes you and that man expresses his desire to marry you, then you have to marry him. Radha said everything in one line and then she asked Mansi and Sanju to freshen up. On returning after taking a bath of both Mansi and Sanju, Radha placed both of them in front of the mirror and very beautifully decorated both like a dulhan. Both were looking very beautiful, seeing the beauty of Mansi was ensured that no one could stop them from being free today and Sanju was very terrified.

Radha said “Both of you are looking very beautiful. Sanju, you are looking many times more beautiful than Mansi, and you are also impressive. But a little less than Sanju.

Manish said “Then the trustee's son will select you as his dulhan. He will take you with him as his dulhan, Sanju. You don't know what a man has to do for his dulhan, serving her saasu maa, spending the night with her husband. Don't know what to do after you become a dulhan and don't know what will your husband do with you? Every day he will celebrate your suhaagraat with you. You will have to go through Lehengas, Cholis, and Ghunghat throughout life. But one thing is sure, become the wife of trustee's son, you would rule on that house Sanju.

“Do not overdo” Radha said “And forget that no decision has been made who will become dulhan.”

“Sanju was worried thinking about how to live the whole life as a man's wife. I am also a man, who is waiting for his groom in a dulhan's. Mansi’s face is also very happy because he is not looking so much beautiful, but this is happening with me and I cannot do anything.”

Then Sanju said to Radha “I do not want to marry a man, Radha, this nathiya is very heavy and big, I don't want to marry a man, jhumkis in the ears, heavy nathiya in my nose, that too heavy and designer. Look at my face, only half of my face is covered with this nathiya and its heaviness is causing pain in my nose. This is giving me so much pain right now, how will I handle it for the rest of my life. How will I spend my whole life in a ghunghat and become a dulhan of a man, what will he do with me? Here my sisters would have saved me, who would save me there?”

Radha said “I’m extremely very sorry dear that I cannot do anything Sanju, your beauty is your biggest enemy, due to which you will have to marry a man today. Let's calm down, now the time has come for you to take them to the trustee. Just a little while, the Geeta will be there for you to take both of them.

Then the Geeta came there and said to Radha “Gurumata has sent these big ones Garhwali nathiyas and Dildos.

Radha said “it’s okay, keep it here and I prepare the two in 10 minutes.”

Sanjay said “What is happening, Radha? Already I am wearing such heavy and such big nathiya and now why this nathiya has been sent? Radha is looking much bigger and heavier than this Nathiya. It would hurt so much, I can't wear this.”

Radha said “do not worry Sanju, very soon both of you will know and start laughing.”

Radha removed the Nathiya from Sanju and Mansi's nose and made both of them wear Garhwali Nathiya. As Nathiya grew heavier and older, Sanju and Mansi started experiencing pain in their noses and tears welled up in their eyes. Then Radha tell them to take off their panties and stand in front of the mirror. Mansi and Sanju have both down their panties and standing in front of the mirror. Radha enters Dildos together in both of the asses, and turns her vibrator on. Dildos were small, but due to the vibrations, both suffered from pain. Both of them got so much pain that “ohhhhhhhhhh” went out of their mouth, and both of them also became like girls. Both Manish and Sanju bowed their heads with shame.

Then Radha said “Wow, you two look so beautiful! Hi, both the dulhans should not be seen by anyone! But why are you two so distant? This is the destiny of both of you; one of you will be taken by a man as his dulhan. But either of you will be free from this place forever today. My best wishes to you both. The more scared you both are that much fear is not there even in girls. Let's prepare yourselves from inside now, Geeta will come here in a while and both of you will be taken in front of the trustee's family!”

While being a boy Sanjay and Manish were made dulhans, bowed their heads both with shame and flowing tears.

Radha said “Now both of you stop crying please. Your makeup has been destroyed. Look, Mansi and Sanju, both of you control your tears; otherwise I will have to be punished. You two are so beautiful, how will both of you go in front of your future husband! Now I'm putting on makeup again, don't cry!”

After making a make-up of both Mansi and Sanju, they were brought in front of the trustee and his family by making ghunghat. Then both of them were in front of the Trustee. There trustee was coming in his royal Rolls Royse with his wife and 4 daughter in law with 5 sons.

Younger one Ishaan was sitting beside trustee and others sit on respected chairs. Trustee’s wife was looking old but beautiful. She was also devdasi from another temple and from inside she was having her male genitalia intact.

Also all 4 daughters in law were looking very gorgeous in Kanchiwaram silk saree and backless blouse with heavy ornaments. They all pickup from different temples of India and all daughters in law have Penis. From outside they all look like female but inside they are all Males.

His 4 Sons also very handsome looking and younger son Ishaan was very handsome. He was glowing like Sun. His complexion was same as Sanju. He is having long hair till shoulder. He was wearing a Kurta pyjama with shiny white leather shoe which suits him very well. He saw few girls coming towards hall and he saw two very beautiful gorgeous girls in Lehenga walking middle surround by ordinary girls. Sanju & Mansi was not looking at them. Both were looking down on floor while walking. After reaching there he was sit on chair which was placed in middle of the hall. Then all girls went to their work so only Sanjay & Manish were left there alone with trustee Pandit and entire trustee’s family. Sanjay was still looking down.

Trustee asked Manish “What is your name?”

Mansi heard surprise question and said “Mansi.”

Trustee asked “Do you know why you are here?”

Mansi said “yeah I know Pandit told me everything.”

Trustee asked “Do you agree to become daughter in law of mine.”

Mansi was deeply shocked “What?”

Listening to this, Mansi's senses got swollen. Why did the Trustee ask me this question, they had to ask this question to Sanju. Now what can I do, no, I cannot marry a man, what should I do? But I cannot do it, I will have to.

Manish said “Yeah I am agreeing to become daughter in law of you.”

Trustee’s wife asked “Mansi see first whom you will get marry and then tell your answer.”

Mansi lifts head and saw Ishaan and gives him smile. Ishaan also saw her and smile back to her. Mansi was thinking that it’s better to say yes to them and he said yes I am Agree. There was no place for Sanjay's happiness; Trustee told Sanjay, if any guest likes you before the marriage of Ishaan and Mansi, then you will also have to marry that man, and if not then, you will be freed, the transmitter will be removed from your body and then you can go to your house.

Listening this, there is no place for Sanjay's happiness.

Trustee said to Pandit “Pandit congratulation to you. Your daughter now becomes our daughter in law.”

Pandit said “It’s always my pleasure to serve you Sir.”

Trustee said to his wife “Bring your new daughter in law here and take blessing from me.”

His wife went near Mansi and brings him to trustee. Then Mansi touch trustee’s feet and take blessing from him. Also he touched his mother in law’s feet then Pandit’s feet and then rest elder family members.

Finally he come near to Ishaan and said “Congratulation.”

Ishaan said “Thank you for accepting my proposal. You look so gorgeous and I promise I will take care of you for rest of my life like princess.”

Mansi said “Thank you for those kind words.”

Then trustee and his wife perform small ceremony where future daughter in law is welcome in family. Trustee and Pandit perform some Puja and then his mother in-law presented him their traditional ornaments and Saree. Mansi was feeling happy yet sad because after this he is going to become someone’s wife and he is going to lose his identity as well.

Then the Trustee said to Sanju “now you take Mansi and prepare her as a beautiful dulhan, tomorrow evening Ishaan will make Mansi a dulhan.”

Sanju reached the room directly to Mansi. Up to this day, Mansi was feeling that Sanju would be chosen for Ishaan's dulhan but now Mansi would have to become a dulhan, thinking that his whole body started trembling. Then Radha came there and took the ghunghat of Mansi by raising his ghunghat.

Radha said “What did you think about this marriage and see what happened. What were you saying till a while back, that the trustee's son would accept Sanju as his dulhan? But he accepted you as his dulhan. What will you do now Mansi; you have now been decided to be Ishaan's dulhan. Tomorrow after the marriage of both of you will be husband and wife. Ishaan will take you with him as his dulhan.”

Sanju said “Yes Radha, after marriage, Ishaan will do with you all that a husband does with his wife on the first night i.e. honeymoon. What will you do now, what will happen between you and Ishaan after marriage, I am feeling strange just thinking about it. Will Ishaan get our Mansi sex change surgery?

Radha said “I think yes Sanju. Ishaan will definitely change Mansi’s sex and make him proper woman in every aspect.”

Sanju said “hmm! I also think the same Radha”

Hearing these words, Mansi started crying.

Radha said “you can cry with all your heart today, Mansi, because nothing will change from this. But before becoming a dulhan, girls are afraid, you cry wholeheartedly, now I will not stop you!”

After sometime Geeta also came in the room and seeing Mansi crying started asking Radha about it.

Radha said “Geeta is very nervous about Mansi's marriage. Mansi is very scared and is afraid of what Ishaan will do with her after marriage.”

Geeta said “Hahahaha, it is normal for a dulhan to be nervous, but what a nervousness! Normal girls are not so nervous before marriage, as much as Mansi is getting nervous. It’s normal Mansi, stay calm. Ishaan will love you with all his heart.”

Radha said “so Mansi today is your wedding day, if you want, cry or think about your future, what to do next!”

Geeta said “leave Mansi, I have a good news.”

Radha said “what is that?”

Geeta said “this is good news for Sanju!”

Sanju said “good news for me?”

Geeta said “yes! The Pandit who raped you has just been punished a while back!”

Sanju said “I am sure that some small punishment must have been given to him!”

Geeta said “at first I felt the same way, but a very big punishment has been given to the Pandit. Pandit's two sons are Rohan eighteen and Raj twenty years old and both are being kept as devdasi for two years. Both will be here till the night and then both of them will also be made devdasi. And from today that Pandit has been barred from entering this temple. What would be a bigger punishment than this for that Pandit? After becoming a devdasi, both sons of Pandit will be given heavy female hormones, proper training and after two years, when the trustees of the big temple of Banaras come to this temple to see the bride for their son, both will be presented in front of them.

Sanju said oh, thank God, that’s relief!”

The next day, Mansi was very beautifully decorated like a dulhan. Sanju was also helping Radha and was thinking that soon Mansi would get married so that he could be free.

Radha said “wondering what Sanju?”

Manish said “Sanju is thinking that if a guest likes him during this wedding, then she will also have to become the dulhan of that man. And if this does not happen then he will be free from this place forever and he will not even have to marry any man. Every moment Sanju is praying that no man likes her so that she can be free from this place forever and go back to her home and live a normal life again.”

Radha said “Mansi, does your family know that you are going to become a man's dulhan today?”

Mansi sadly said “no words; my parents do not know today a man is going to marry me.”

Radha said “Gurumata has already sent an invitation to your family; they will also come in your marriage.”

An excited surprise Mansi said “why? Why she did this? Gurumata, how would my family members feel when they knew that their son would become a dulhan and would marry a man.”

Sanjay said “he has not been told that the dulhan is his son, till the morning you were teasing me, will you tell me now? How do you feel like becoming a dulhan? And you know all about what happens in the honeymoon with the dulhan”, and he started to laugh loudly.

Radha also said “Yes Sanju, Mansi's life will change completely after marrying Ishaan and I'm pretty sure that after a few months of marriage, Mansi will bear Ishaan's children in her womb and will also give birth.”

Then in the evening, Ishaan and Barati came. Mansi was also taken to the stage. Earlier, the ritual of Jaimala took place, and then Ishaan took 7 rounds of fire with Mansi, filled the sindoor in Mansi’s maang, then tie Mangalasutra in her neck, along with Pandit declared her both as husband and wife.

Then Mansi’s parents blessed both. It was not known to Mansi’s family that the dulhan who was giving this blessing to her was her own son, who had been married to Ishaan as a dulhan. Manish who thought that he would marry a beautiful girl, make her daughter-in-law of his house but Manish today himself became a man's dulhan. Now he is not impressed, Mansi was made, Ishaan's dulhan.

Meanwhile, after marriage and before Mansi's departure, a man proposed marriage with Sanju in front of the elder Pandit. The Pandit called Radha and asked her to bring Sanju to her with a ghunghat. Radha ran away and went to Sanju.

Sanju said “what happened Radha, you are fine!”

Radha said “yes Sanju I am fine but after what I am going to say, will you be able to handle yourself?”

Sanju said “now I am free from here Radha, now I have no fear. You say what do you have to say?”

Radha said Sanju “Mansi's farewell is yet to come; it means the marriage is not over yet. The elder Pandit ji has asked you to prepare and bring him to him because a man has expressed his desire to marry you in front of him.”

The ground itself had slipped under Sanju's feet. Coming so close to freedom, all his dreams were getting shattered again. Tears started flowing from Sanju's eyes and now she was also losing her courage.

Sanju said “how can these worse situations happen? How can God do this to me?”

Radha said “you come with me, I don't have much time, let me fix your makeup and I'm sorry but you have to get the dildo in your ass again.”

Sanju said “please don't put a dildo in my ass again, please Radha please!”

Radha said “I'm sorry Sanju, I have to do this and Geeta is bringing Nathiya, you have to wear that too!”

Sanju did not say no, and said “please Radha! I don't want to be a bride, don't marry a man?”

Radha said “sorry Sanju, I can't help you anymore! You will have to take it in front of that man exactly as you took it yesterday. Maybe this is your fate Sanju; maybe you have to spend life as a man's bride.”

Sanju said “Radha, I do not want to become a girl, marry a man, wear so many ornaments, wear a ghunghat and spend the whole life as a bride of a man; I will not be able to Radha.”

Radha said “but now I cannot help you. Guru Mata’s orders have to be obeyed.”

Then Radha took off Sanju's panties and set a dildo in his ass. After that, when Geeta brought Nathiya for Sanju, it was the biggest, heavy and designer Nathiya that Sanju had to wear till date. Radha put that heavy, designer nathiya on Sanju's nose and she was taken to the elder Pandit with a silk ghunghat covering till the neck, where the man was eagerly waiting for Sanju's arrival. Sanju was still looking down in shame and embarrassment and tears in his eyes were not stopping as he was going to be someone’s dulhan without his consent. Sanju was still looking down.

That elder Pandit asked “What is your name beti?”

Sanju heard surprise question and said “Sanju.”

Elder Pandit asked “Do you know why you are here?”

Sanju said “yeah I know Radha and Geeta told me everything.”

The elder Pandit said “today you are going to be freed from the post of devdasi of this temple, Sanju and this sir wants to marry you. His name is Siddharth Mittal and he is a very big businessman of Delhi. He is bit old, but Mr. Mittal Love you and I’m sure you will never get a better opportunity in your life. And sir, whatever you want to ask Sanju, you ask.”

Siddharth asked “what is your real name?”

Sanju said “my real name is Sanjay Verma.”

Siddharth said “then since when have you been here and why?”

Sanju said “I have been here for the last six months and my mother has been treated and operated just by sacrificing herself as a devdasi. I am here to fix my financial condition as well as for my mother and my sister.”

Siddharth said “what do you think after six months? Is man superior or woman?”

Siddharth's question was good but Sanju deliberately thought it right to give the opposite answer so that Siddharth dislikes her and leaves the idea of ​​marrying her.

Sanju said “because as far as I know, men are superior, women are there to serve them.”

Siddharth said “that despite being a boy, you yourself are living here as a devdasi and still you find men superior.”

Sanju said “yes, men are superior!”

Siddharth said “Hmm! I was looking for a girl like this, she is perfect! I wanted a bride who accepts the truth.”

Sanju was shocked, how Siddharth liked her despite giving the opposite answer. Sanju was feeling very bad, maybe Radha was right and maybe this is her fate.

The elder Pandit asked “Sanju you lift your ghunghat!”

The elder Pandit asked “So Sanju, are you ready to be the bride of Mr Siddharth!”

Sanju nodded yes! Because he doesn’t have any other options left and he has no authority to say no!

Sanju lifted her ghunghat, but was not allowed to lift her head.

Siddharth was stunned to see Sanju's beauty and his mouth was left wide open.

The elder Pandit asked “do you like Sanju sir?”

Siddharth said “I like Sanju.”

The elder Pandit said “Sanju, you look at Mr. Siddharth and tell, do you like Mr. Siddharth?”

Sanju raised his head, a man of thirty-eight and forty-eight years old and an overly dark man stood in front of him. Sanju had understood that his life was going to be ruined now and no one can stop the ruin. Seeing Siddharth, Sanju's eyes filled with tears and she could not hold back her tears even if she wanted to. Sanju started thinking that I wish Ishaan would have liked her, at least the young and handsome man would have been found. But now nothing could happen, Sanju understood that the ruin of her life had already started.

Sanju daringly pretended to smile at Siddharth and again hid her head in a ghunghat.

The elder Pandit said “Sir, do you accept Sanju as your bride?”

Siddharth said yes big Pandit ji; I wasted twenty years of my life in search of a bride like Sanju. But now that I have found the bride of my choice, I want to get married with Sanju as soon as possible.

The elder Pandit said “But you are our guest sir and have come to the marriage of our trustee's son. Since marriages take place every day in this temple, but the marriage of one devdasi of our temple is not completed yet and the marriage of another devdasi cannot be done so soon. There should be a gap of at least one month between both the marriages. You decide any day after one month. Bring a procession with all your family and take your bride.”

Then elder Pandit said “Geeta, you take Sanju in!”

Then Geeta brought Sanju to the room. Sanju's condition was very bad, she felt that her life was going to be spoiled and she would not be able to do anything. Sanju started crying as soon as she entered the room, Radha and Geeta tried to silence Sanju, but they also knew that once the elder pundit made a decision, it could not be changed. Still, Geeta and Radha explain to Sanju that this is the destiny and it is not for both of them to change it. On the very next morning, Mansi was crying at the time of Bidaayi rituals but Ishaan took her away to his house. Sanju was still not freed because after one month, he was also going to give to a man as his dulhan.

Sanju's freedom was again taken away and a month later Siddharth Mittal was going to marry her by coming with his family and procession. Sanjay was slowly dying inside Sanju now, his identity, his family, a farthest place from where it was impossible to come back. Sanju was now getting desperate to meet her mother and her sister, after marrying that man she was probably going to be away from her mother and sister forever. With great courage, Sanju went to meet Gurumata.

Gurumata said, “Sanju, how did you come so long? Your marriage has been fixed, congratulations!”

Sanju said “Gurumata, thank you but before marriage I have to meet my mother and sister and say sorry to them that I have ruined their dreams. My mother wanted me to bring her a beautiful bahu and my sister wanted me to marry the most beautiful girl in the world and I should bring her a beautiful bhabhi. But here I myself have to become a man's bride. I didn't do anything for my mother and sister and I have to apologize to them for that too.”

Gurumata said “Sanju, you can spend time with your mother and sister, I cannot do anything for this, but I can do so much that when you are married, I can introduce your mother and sister to you once!”

Sanju said “Gurumata, I will get married, after that, who will take care of my mother and sister?”

Gurumata said “I do not know, but if you tell your mother and sister about this and ask for help from your future husband, see if he can help you.”

Sanju said “so can I talk to Siddharth Mittal ji?”

Gurumata said “yes, he is your future husband, why not? I can arrange the mobile number of your future husband!”

In the evening, Gurumata sent a number and a phone from Geeta to Sanju so that she could talk to Siddharth Mittal i.e. her future husband.

Sanju calls Siddharth.

Siddharth said “hello, who!”

Sanju said “I am Sanju!”

Siddharth said “Ohhhh, I'm sorry Sanju, I just left the office. How are you Sanju?”

Sanju said “I am fine, how are you?”

Siddharth said “I am fine too, what are you doing?”

Sanju said “nothing?”

If Siddharth said “then this is your number Sanju?”

Sanju said “no, this is Guru Mata’s number; I had to talk to you!”

Siddharth said “yes Sanju say no!”

Sanju said “I had to talk to you about something, please do not mind?”

Siddharth said “you are my future bride Sanju, whatever you have to say, say it openly!”

Sanju said “as you already know that I am a boy who has been made into a girl-like body by giving female hormones. I did all this for the treatment of my mother and sister and now I am going to get married to you. I want to ask you whether I am doing right or wrong with my mother and sister.”

Siddharth said “you are doing wrong with your mother and sister Sanju! Share with me about your mother and sister, I'll help you! After all you are my future wife, that's all I can do for you!”

Sanju said “I will give you the address of my house; you meet my mother and sister and tell them yourself about me and our marriage! I do not love anyone more than my mother and sister and I would do anything for their happiness!”

Siddharth said “don't you worry my love; I will come and meet your mother and sister tomorrow only.”

Sanju said “you are very nice!”

Siddharth said “I love you my Sanjay!”

Hearing I love you from Siddharth, Sanju's heart beat very loudly and she immediately disconnected the call. Sanju sent the phone from Geeta to Gurumata and started thinking about her mother and sister.

Then Radha and Geeta came in the room, with them were two beautiful white boys.

Radha said “recognize them?”

Sanju said “otherwise!”

Geeta said “Sanju! Try to identify them!”

Sanju said “I have never seen them before.”

Radha said “they are the sons of Pandit ji, Rohan and Raj. And from today both will also spend his life by becoming a devdasi!”

Sanju said “both are not like Pandit, both the boys seem to have gone to their mother.”

“I feel the same way as” Geeta said.

Radha said “let's hurry up, prepare them and take them to Gurumata.”

Radha and Geeta start preparing Rohan and Raj. Sanju did not pay any attention to Rohan and Raj and his entire focus was on whether Siddharth would go to meet her mother and sister tomorrow. How would they feel when his mother and sister came to know that he was no longer a boy and had become a shemale girl who was going to get married?

After a while Geeta and Radha together prepare Rohan and Raj. Raj in a red transparent georgette sari, red backless blouse, heavy ornaments and make-up and Rohan in a yellow transparent georgette sari, yellow backless blouse, heavy ornaments and make-up dressed up and brought him in front of Sanju before being taken to Gurumata. Sanju looked at both of them, her eyes filled with tears.

Sanju said “that both of you are going to face the punishment, for which both of yours father is responsible. The one who should have been punished is enjoying it. And these two innocent children have to face the punishment for the bad deeds done by their father. By the way, why haven't both nose and ears pierced yet?”

Radha said “only after the order of Gurmit, the nose and ears of both will be pierced. Will you go together to Gurumata?”

Sanju said “you both go. By the way, both of them are looking so beautiful, you should also get the names of both done and try to get their nose and ears pierced as soon as possible. Seeing such a beautiful face without nose and earrings, I feel deserted.”

Geeta said “yes, yes absolutely, this too is a matter for anyone to ask.”

Then Geeta and Radha took Raj and Rohan with them to Guru Mata. Here Sanju was getting upset thinking about his future. Eventually, the same thing happened, which Sanju was afraid of. Sanju's trouble was visible from his face and his fear was eating him inside.

On the other hand Mansi had also reached his in-laws' house. There groom Ishaan and bride Mansi were welcomed as a daughter-in-law with great pomp. In Ghunghat, Mansi also entered the house in the in-laws' house by holding the hand of his husband Ishaan. This luxurious house had now become Mansi's house. Being the youngest daughter-in-law of her in-laws' house, Mansi was warmly welcomed by all the other daughters-in-law. The girls took Mansi to a room, her clothes were taken off and she made her wear a sari without a choli. Then the Nathiya was removed from Mansi's nose and her nose was bigger than before and the designer Kumauni Nathiya was worn. After a while Mansi was made to sit on a bed decorated with flowers ready for the honeymoon.

Then the girls said to Manish “when your husband comes, touch his feet, take his blessings. Do not lift the ghunghat until your husband gives you a nice gift in the neck. When he drinks milk, whatever her husband says, she has to be done without any hesitation. And yes, if the glass of milk decreases, then give yellow milk from your breasts to your husband. Anyway, your breasts are quite big and seeing that your milk will be very tasty too!

The girls were talking so shamelessly that Mansi's fear was getting more and more and she started trembling because of fear and embarrassment.

Manish was ashamed and blushed at the same moment and he said “okay.”

Then all the girls went out. Mansi was still shivering with shame and fear in the ghunghat and she started thinking. What happened to him after all? Even today Mansi was a man from inside and even today, despite having a cock, a man married her, made her his bride and brought her to his house and now! Now she has to celebrate honeymoon with that man and Mansi was getting worse just thinking about having sex with a man. Mansi doesn't understand what sex is like with a man. Will have to spend whole life like girls wearing such heavy Kumauni Nathiya in nose and now as daughter-in-law of this house will have to live in this house for whole life. Thinking of this, Manish started trembling again and again. Just then, hearing the footsteps and the door girls and Ishaan's voice, Manish tried to hide himself in his ghunghat. Then Ishaan came in and locked the room from inside.

When Ishaan entered the room, Mansi did exactly as the girls had said. Mansi got down from the bed and touched Ishaan's feet with both his hands like a proper obedient dulhan and Ishaan blessed him with Saubhagyawati and lifted him up. Then Mansi picked up the glass of milk kept on the table and gave it to Ishaan to drink. Ishaan drank whole milk in one gulp. Mansi took the glass from Ishaan's hands and placed it on the table. As Mansi turned around, Ishaan lifted him like a pillow in his arms and made him lie on the bed. Mansi got her ghunghat fixed but due to not wearing a blouse, he was unable to balance his big milky breasts.

Then Ishaan placed a gift box in Mansi's hand which was small. But when Mansi opened the gift box, he found gold ornaments in it. Mansi kept that gift beside and Ishaan lifted his ghunghat. At first Mansi started shying and did not allow his husband to lift the ghunghat but Ishaan lifted his ghunghat. Mansi was still trembling with fear; the fear in his mind about the suhaagraat was not taking the name of leaving.

Then Ishaan picked Mansi up and climbed on him. Mansi was completely suppressed under Ishaan, his nathiya and bangles started to deteriorate and his eyes had tears. But there was no effect on Ishaan and he said that today I’ll make you the compete woman.

Ishaan kisses Mansi's lips and hugs him, sometimes on his big milky breasts, sometimes on his thin waist and sometimes on his back and starts romancing him. Slowly Ishaan made Mansi completely nude and started sucking his small cock as well. Ishaan took off Mansi's nathiya and jhumkas and all the ornaments. Mansi could not believe it, after all, a man kept sucking his cock for so long, yet there was no effect on his cock.

Ishaan said “you did very well by marrying me Mansi. Now I am sure why my heart chose you only. As cute as you are, your cock is equally cute and I wanted a dulhan like this and now it’s your turn baby.”

Mansi was very embarrassed to hear Ishaan's words. Then Ishaan also became nude and his big, black fat cock stood up fluttering. Mansi had never seen such a big cock in life and seeing such a thick black and big cock, Mansi started crying.

Ishaan said “now take my cock in your mouth and give a blow job, just like I gave you.”

Ishaan's cock was very big and seeing him, Manish had lost his senses.

Manish said “please, don't do all this with me, your cock is huge!”

Ishaan said “when I gave you a blowjob, then you did not stop me. Real men's cocks are big and fat like this, don't show too much drama my baby, let's enjoy the blowjob quickly.

Mansi again said “no, it is very big; I can’t take this in my mouth.”

So, Ishaan slapped Mansi vigorously. Manish fell flat on the bed and started crying.

Holding Mansi's hair, Ishaan rested his cock on his lips and started pushing his cock in his mouth. Ishaan grabbed Mansi's hair with one hand and opened his mouth with the other hand and inserted his big black cock into his mouth. The smell of Ishaan's cock was starting to fill Mansi's breath, such a big cock that only half of Ishaan's cock was coming up to Mansi's throat. Ishaan started giving hardcore blowjob to Mansi, Mansi kept crying but his crying had no effect on Ishaan. After half an hour of continuous ejaculation, Ishaan discharged the first load of his sperms in Mansi's mouth. Mansi did not even know that Ishaan's sperms were now in his stomach while moistening his throat. Mansi was feeling the taste of Ishaan's sperms for the first time in his life. After all, all that was happening to him which Mansi had not even dreamed of. And now Ishaan was ready to put his cock in the virgin ass of his bride. Before Mansi could understand anything, Ishaan lifted him in his arms and stood up and started kissing her body with his lips. To balance himself, Mansi put the necklace of his hands around Ishaan's neck and Ishaan inserted his cock in his ass. It seemed as if there was a hot rod entering. Manish was suffering a lot and blood was coming out too.

“Ohhhh No, god please, please, please stop, ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhh, oh my god, no ohhhhhhh” Mansi's scream and his tears could not stop him.

Mansi could not bear the pain and he kept crying with embarrassment. The speed with which Ishaan was fucking Mansi, his pain could not be tolerated by him. For half an hour, Ishaan choked Mansi to the fullest; Mansi kept crying, shouting loudly and finally Ishaan discharge his sperms into Mansi's ass and threw him on the bed. As soon as he fell on the bed, Mansi started crying loudly, whatever happened to him is called rape and Mansi's pride was forcibly snatched from him. Ishaan lay beside Mansi for five minutes and he put his hand in Mansi's waist and turned to his side and started smooching him on the lips.

Then Ishaan said “let's be a mare soon!”

There was no more courage left inside Manish that he could deny Ishaan's words. Manish sat on the bed like a mare and Ishaan stood behind him and put his cock in his ass again. This time Ishaan again choked Manish for half an hour and as soon as Manish discharged his sperm in the ass, Manish also got sperm discharge. Ishaan lay down with Mansi in his arms and Mansi started feeling weak. Mansi was breathing heavily and lay unconscious in his husband's arms. Now Mansi did not have the slightest courage left but Ishaan still wanted to have more sex with Mansi.

There was not much strength left in Mansi to open his eyes, but where was Ishaan going to believe? Ishaan laid his head on Mansi and came over him. Ishaan now tries to get Mansi excited, sucking his lips, his throat, and his breasts with his lips. Mansi could not understand from where he was getting strength by doing this. When Mansi opened his eyes, Ishaan spread both his legs in the air and put his cock in his ass again.

For the next twenty minutes, Ishaan kept on kissing Mansi in the same position and he kept trying to control his emotions between pain and pleasure. Mansi kept crying but this time his scream was less loud than before. After twenty minutes of sex, Mansi suddenly took out his cock and by entering Mansi's cock discharged his sperms into his cock. Mansi trembled with pain and burning.

Mansi said “what did you do? How could you do this to me?”

Ishaan slapped Mansi three times on the cheek and said “you are my dulhan; I can do whatever I want with you.”

Mansi was in pain and burning and could not bear the pain any more.

Mansi said “ok, but what should I do now? How do I get your sperm out of my penis?”

Ishaan said “go to the washroom and take out my sperms from your cock.”

Mansi got down from the bed and fell down in pain. When Ishaan saw this, he lifted Mansi in his arms and took him to the washroom. In the washroom, Mansi started trying to take out the load of that sperms from his cock, but despite many efforts, he was neither getting an erection in the penis nor Ishaan's sperms were not coming out of his cock. Ishaan was watching all this at the washroom door. Ishaan picked up Manish in his arms, lay himself down in the bathtub and made Mansi sit on his cock and began to fuck him. Ishaan was rubbing Mansi's cock with his hands and then within a few moments Mansi got an erection and his sperms were discharged. Mansi became unconscious at that very moment and his whole body became loose.

Next morning! It was ten o'clock in the morning; Manish was still in the arms of her husband Ishaan. Ishaan's cock was still contained in Mansi’s ass and he was still taut like that. Hearing the sound of knocking on the door, Ishaan and Mansi woke up.

A voice came from outside “it is ten o'clock in the day bhabhi, both of you will come out or will you stay inside!”

Mansi went to the bathroom and sat down under the shower. The whole body was burning, there were noses of wounds and peeling everywhere. For the first time after becoming a shemale housewife, Mansi felt that he is still a man inside who is imprisoned here, even today in this shemale's body. Mansi tried once again to stimulate him by caressing his small cock, but his cock had become very small by shrinking. Mansi was feeling very embarrassed about his cock and the tears flowing from her eyes were enough to prove it. Mansi cleaned his whole body well and came out. After taking a bath, Mansi came out of the washroom with a towel on his breasts; Ishaan was standing nude at the washroom door, staring at him. Mansi became watery with shame and as he proceeded to get ready, Ishaan again took him in his arms and started smooching on his lips. Ishaan kept smooching Manish for five minutes. Mansi's breathing had stopped. Then there was the sound of knocking on the door again and Ishaan went to the washroom. Manish quickly dressed up in a yellow georgette sari, a yellow backless blouse and sindoor in maang, mangalsutra in neck, nathiya in nose and jhumkas in ears, suhaag ka chuda with gold kangans in both wrists, dressed like a bride again and then he did long ghunghat till breasts and opened the door. Some girls were standing in front and talking among themselves.

Those girls said “bhabhi, what is all this? Today is your first day at your in-laws' house and you are so late. You also know how angry your saas and sasur are?”

Manish said “I'm extremely very sorry!”

The girls said “that you will say sorry to your saasu Maa and sasur ji, not us bhabhi.”

Due to Ishaan, there was trouble in the in-laws' house on the very first day itself. Neither Ishaan would do so much hardcore sex with him and neither would Mansi faint unconscious nor would Mansi have to bear all this. But now it was late, due to hardcore sex, Mansi was not even able to walk away, if Mansi’s condition was not seen by those girls, they supported Mansi and made him stand in front of his saasu maa and sasur ji. Mansi touched the feet of his saasu maa and sasur ji and took blessings from them to be Saubhagyawati Bhavah and to be pativrata towards his husband Ishaan. After that Mansi touched the feet of all his three jeth ji’s and took the blessings of Putrawati Bhavah, Sada Saubhagyawati Bhavah and Sada Suhaagan Raho. After that Mansi touched the feet of his three bhabhi and took the blessings of them too, stay happy forever, muh dho nahao puto falo and Saubhagyawati bhavah. After that Mansi was made sit by her saasu maa and took her ghunghat and looked at his face and the face was visible in her hands.

Mansi's saasu maa said “today is the first day in your in-laws' house and today you are late. See bahu, rules, discipline and time are very important in this house. Waking up at four o'clock in the morning from tomorrow. Waking up in the morning, first of all you will worship after taking a bath, then after touching the feet of elders, mine and your sasur ji with both hands and taking blessings, first you will get blessings from your all three jeth and bhabhi. After that, you will cook food in the kitchen with your all three bhabhi and you are allowed to eat only when all the elders in the house i.e. I, your sasur ji, your three jeth, your three bhabhi and your husband eat. After helping with the cooking, you have to help your bhabhi in cleaning the house. The entire responsibility of cleaning your husband's clothes and your room will be on you. It is absolutely forbidden for the bahu of this house to watch TV, read the newspapers and say anything among the elders. If you get time from all this work, then it doesn't matter if you go to your room, relax or gossip with your bhabhi. But if you have any complaint then you will be punished for it and I will decide it myself, understood.”

Mansi said “yes mother!”

Mansi's saasu maa said, “What are you looking at my face now? Today is your first day in the in-laws' house. Go to the kitchen and get all of us cooked well. Let me also see if you know how to cook some food or not! Manjhli bahu, go with the choti bahu and help her in the kitchen.

Manjhli bahu went to the kitchen with Mansi and told her that saasu maa loves Moong Dal Halwa.

Mansi said “but I do not even know how to cook moong dal halwa.”

Manjhli bahu said “no problem, I will help Mansi.”

Mansi asked “you are so sweet bhabhi and you taught very well, what is your name?

Manjhli bahu said “My name is Nikita! Well, the first day in the Sasural is special for dulhan, still you are late?”

Mansi said “sorry bhabhi!”

Nikita said “no problem; the fire of the lust of the man of this house is not extinguished quickly. On the first day here, I myself woke up at eight o'clock, that too after waking up a lot. Take care from the front, mother is very strict.”

Mansi asked “Hmm! bhabhi don't mind if I ask you something?”

Nikita said “yes, ask no!”

Mansi asked “what is your real name bhabhi?”

Nikita said “Hmm! So that's what the matter is! Earlier my name was Aniket, but now I am Nikita.”

Mansi asked “Nikita bhabhi, the rules of this house are very strict, you must have got used to such a rule?”

Nikita said “yes, now it has become a habit.”

After a while, Moong Dal halwa was ready and Manish along with Nikita was again standing in front of her mother-in-law.

Mansi's saasu maa, sasur ji, all three jeth and bhabhi tasted Moong Dal Halwa.

Mansi's saasu maa said “Hmm! Look, daughter-in-law, the pudding was tasty, but now go, you also eat some pudding and go to your room and rest. Your Muh Dikhaayi in the evening, that's why the Manjhli bahu will go and prepare you.”

Mansi said “ji maa ji”!

In the evening, Mansi wore a Banarasi silk sari, a backless blouse, a heavy Garhwali nathiya that covered his half of face on his nose, jhumkas in his ears, a naulakha necklace, mangalsutra, sindoor in his maang, a waistband, a bracelet, an heavy silver payal on his feet, a gold bracelet and a suhaag chuda set, a mangtika on his forehead. And both the eyebrows were decorated with red yellow bindis. Mansi was dressed like a bride again and made to sit next to her saasu maa in the hall with a long ghunghat. The women kept on coming and took off Mansi's ghunghat one by one and gave their blessings and also Neg. Some women would bless Mansi with always being Putrawati bhavah, some would bless Mansi with Saubhagyawati bhavah, some would Muh Dho Nahao, Puto Falo, some would bless him with pativrata bhavah and some would be blessed with lots of sons and daughters and they would also praise Mansi's beauty! Mansi's housewife life had started, after dinner Mansi was sent back to his room. Mansi sat quietly on the bed and did not even know when he fell asleep due to fatigue.

Here after two days, suddenly Geeta and Radha came to Sanju with Guru Mata’s phone and gave it to Sanju, asking him to wait for Mr. Mittal's call. Ever since the arrival of Raj and Rohan, Radha and Geeta spend most of their time with them. Sanju was feeling lonely and before she could dive into the depths of sorrow, Siddharth's call came.

Siddharth said “Hi Sanjay! How are you?”

Sanju said “hi! I'm fine, how are you?”

Siddharth said “I am fine and I am at your house.”

Sanju said “Hmm! I talked to your mother and sister about me?”

Siddharth said “yes! I have told your mother and sister about your transformation from man to woman and have fixed your sister's relationship with your younger brother.”

Sanju said “thanks allot Mr Mittal!”

Siddharth said “I can do anything for you, my love! Well I have also told mother about my relationship with you and the date of marriage is 2nd of next month. Your mother and sister will come to you before marriage and we will get married from the temple itself.”

Sanju said “thank you. Can i talk to my mom?”

Siddharth said “Yeah sure.”

Sanju said “hello maa!”

Sanju's mother also heard her son's voice after months, so she cried as soon as she heard Sanjay's voice. Even Sanju could not control his emotions and he also started crying with his mother.

Then Sanju's mother said “son is this true? You have become a girl and are going to marry Mittal ji?”

Sanjay said “yes mother! Forgive me! Now I can't get you a daughter-in-law!”

Sanju's mother said no problem, why are you apologizing? What could be more fortunate than Mittal ji becoming the damaad of our house? You will always be happy in your Sasural, beti!

Hearing the words beti from his mother's mouth, Sanju's eyes filled with tears and he started crying again. After that Sanju's mother also started crying and Siddharth Mittal pacified Sanju and disconnected the phone asking her to prepare for marriage. Sanju calmed down and saw that Radha and Geeta were coming here with Raj and Rohan wearing big round nathiya in their nose and baaliyaan in their ears. Sanjay was very happy, both the sons of Pandit were getting their nose and ears pierced and they had to spend their life in sari as a devdasi. There was an ocean of tears in the eyes of Rohan and Raj, which could not stop them.

Radha said “Sanju! Look at, both are looking so beautiful.”

Geeta said “yes Sanju, both of them are looking as beautiful as the sixteenth year of their youth.”

Sanju said “Hmm! By the way, now both must have been named?”

Geeta said “yes, Raj's name is now Ragini and Rohan's name is Rohini. For the next two years, both will pass their life as Devdasi.”

Sanju said “Hmm! Then will you start giving training to both of them to dance and sing?”

Geeta said “yes Sanju, from tomorrow the training of both of them will start dancing and singing.”

Sanju was now worried about his marriage. He was going to get married to a man and Siddharth Mittal also started preparing for the wedding. Siddharth made a huge heavy rani lehenga for Sanju and a completely backless designer choli, a lot of gold ornaments, suhaag ka chooda, gold bracelets, Garhwali nathiya, big earrings, kaleriyaan, kamarband, baajuband, hair jewelleries, different types of silk, Cotton, georgette, satin, transparent saris and all with fully backless cholis, Victoria's Secrets pushup bra and panty sets, seven types of lingerie sets and also send huge donations from his company to the temple trust.

Days were passing by, as the wedding day was approaching, Sanju's nervousness was increasing. Now Sanju did not need any reason to cry, at the thought of marriage, he started crying and the thought of a man would marry him and take him with him rightfully. After marriage, he will become the wife of a man, what will happen to him in the suhaagraat, who will be in the Sasural, how will everyone treat him. What are the expectations of Siddharth Mittal and how will he spend his life there by becoming a man's wife? Such thoughts used to come in Sanju's mind every day, every time and she was harassed a lot! Radha and Geeta were also very excited about Sanju's wedding and they too would always tease Sanju. Radha and Geeta, sometimes talking about honeymoon, sometimes talking about where to go for honeymoon, would often tease Sanju.

Here Mansi's condition was very bad. Doing housework all day long and when he goes to sleep, her husband Ishaan would do at least four rounds of hardcore sex with her every day, giving her a blow job, giving her a dick docking session and when Mansi became unconscious, he would He slept barefoot on the bed with his arms in his arms. At four o'clock in the morning, Ishaan would wake up Mansi himself and neither cared about his weakness nor his emotions. Mansi's elder sister-in-law Amita, his younger sister-in-law Mansi, youngest sister-in-law Nikita supported him a lot and gave him medicine from time to time, so that Mansi's health would have been fine. When Mansi was shown his bhabhi Sanju's wedding invitation, Mansi started expressing his desire to attend Sanju's wedding. Nikita Bhabhi tells Mansi that the whole family will go along for Sanju's wedding and he will also be taken away. Mansi then told Nikita bhabhi about Sanju that they were both good friends. Today was Sanju's wedding and she was being dressed up as a bride. The mehndi on Sanju's hands was not even happy that Geeta was standing at the door, with her both Sanju's mother and sister. As soon as Sanju saw her mother and sister, she got up and hugged both of them and started crying. When Sanju's mother started shedding tears seeing her son getting dressed like a bride, Sanju's sister Neha silenced her.

Neha said “mother, Sanjay Bhaiya has become a woman. Today is his wedding, please don't cry.”

Sanju's mother said “Neha is going to take my son with her after marrying a man. How many dreams I had, so many desires, all was in vain.”

Neha said “mother, now Sanjay Bhaiya, Sanju has become Didi. Now our Jiju will come and take our Sanju didi as his dulhan, but Siddharth Jiju will keep Sanju didi very happy, I am sure.”

Radha said “now you don't cry Sanju, I am going to do makeup.”

Then Radha did Sanju's make-up and gave him a special ointment to apply, after which the colour of Sanju's mehndi came out. Sanju's mehndi was very dark and very beautiful to look at.

Geeta said Oh wow, how dark is the colour of the mehndi. You know the meaning of this, it means that your husband will love you very much Sanju.

Sanju was very embarrassed after listening to Geeta and Radha, but he did not say anything. Beside her mother and sister was busy looking at the jewellery that had come for Sanju. In few moments Sanju was decorated like a bride. Sanju was thinking that since childhood he used to think that when he gets married, he will become a groom and will marry a girl. But something else was written in his fate and Sanju had to marry a man by becoming a bride. An unknown man was about to marry him and take him with him. Younger sister Neha was also dressing up like a bride today, so that a friend of Siddharth would like to see her.

The hands that were once hard have now turned into soft hands. The wrists which used to be happy to show charm by wearing a men's watch, today the same wrists were adorned with suhaag ka chuda, gold bracelets, kaleriyaan and hathful. The eyes with which Sanju used to show anger, his eyes were covered with kajal and now those eyes were bowed in shame. Jeans and T-shirt were once worn on the body; today golden sandals of 4-inch high heels were worn. The hair was neatly groomed and made into a beautiful design of juda and jewellery was worn in the hair and along with sharpening the eyebrows, the forehead was beautifully decorated with lots of small big bindi. Large, heavy and designer gold Garhwali nathiya was worn in the nose and large jhumkas were worn in the ears. Glossy red lips, big neck and designer Naulakha necklace, the end of which came in between the two beautiful breasts of Sanju. Due to the tight fit and backless blouse, the relatively tight front was open as much as it was open from the back. Sanju was wearing a gold kamarband in his waist and gold baajuband in his arms. Heavy silver payals were worn on the feet and silver bichuas were worn on the toes.

Mansi along with his husband Ishaan came to Sanju's wedding with his entire in-laws. Ishaan had to get Mansi's permission from his mother and then Mansi along with his three bhabhi went to meet Sanju in her room. When Manish along with his three sisters-in-law reached Sanju's room to meet Sanju, Sanju was completely ready like a bride. Manish and his three sisters-in-law praised Sanju's beauty very much and also told her things about what Manish was facing in the in-laws' house. And how to live in in-laws' house so that mother-in-law and father-in-law never get angry with her. Radha was sitting there.

Radha said “how bad is the luck of us girls, despite all four of you being boys, today you got married in such a big family and all of you got husbands too. Even Sanju will get married today and take her husband with him. And look at us, even though we are girls, we are not getting any groom who will adopt us, make us his bride and take him with him. You five are so lucky!”

Mansi's eldest sister-in-law said “you will get married very soon, Radha. Your Krishna Kanhaiya will come here looking for you himself, don't worry.”

After that everyone started laughing, except Sanju. Sanju sat silent and was very tense about her future. Her whole body was trembling and she was getting very emotional about the marriage. Sanju got ready as a bride and the procession had arrived. The sound of fanfare raised Sanju's heartbeat and he was starting to get very nervous. Everyone left Sanju alone in the room and went to see the procession, even Sanju's mother and his sister Neha. Sanju was wearing the same big queen lehenga that Siddharth had sent. After a while Sanju's mother, his sister Neha, Radha and Geeta all came in the room and asked him to walk on the stage. When Sanju stood up, his big heavy rani lehenga was not being handled by him; the ghunghat was so long from above that he could not see anything in front. Sanju raised his lehenga with both his beautiful hands and moved towards the stage with small steps. With every step of Sanju, his heartbeat was increasing, but at the same time, the huge nathiya of his nose were hitting his lips again and again. With every step of Sanju, his milky breasts were also going up and down and in a short time Sanju was standing on the stage with his head bowed in a ghunghat in front of his future husband Siddharth Mittal. Siddharth Mittal's face was glowing, his sherwani was giving him a Nawab-like feel and the Rado watch on his wrist was adding to his smartness.

After Jaimala, Sanju was put on stage with Siddharth Mittal. Photography and videography continued for some time and then Sanju and Siddharth Mittal were taken to the pavilion. On the mandap, Sanju was made to sit next to Siddharth with a ghunghat. The elder Pandit recited the mantras and then Siddharth wore a mangalsutra around Sanju's neck, took out the nathiya from his nose and put on another very big nathiya. Sanju's mother did her Kanyadaan and she became very emotional after doing Kanyadaan. Radha and Geeta pacify Sanju's mother. After that Siddharth took seven rounds of fire with Sanju and finally Siddharth filled Bhakra Sindoor in maang of Sanju's forehead. The elder pundit declared Siddharth and Sanju as husband and wife and both of them first took the blessings of the pundit. After that Siddharth and Sanju took the blessings of Sanju's mother and the post-wedding party started which lasted all night.

Next morning, when the emotional moment of Bidaayi came, first Sanju cried a lot by hugging Radha and Geeta. After that he cried hugging his mother and finally wept a lot while hugging his sister Neha. In this, Siddharth raised Sanju in his arms in front of everyone, put Sanju in his convertible car and took Sanju with him with blessings from elders. Sanju kept crying all the way and Siddharth held his newly wedded dulhan in his arms. When Sanju fell into a deep sleep, he did not even know, perhaps the warmth of Siddharth's arms had relieved him.

When Sanju woke up, she was alone in a room. The bed on which Sanju lay was decorated with rose petals. The room was decorated with mirrors all around.

“Bhabhi, have you woken up? Can I bring you something to eat?” Hearing the voice, Sanju looked from one side of the ghunghat, there was a girl standing in front.

Sanju did not say anything and after fixing his ghunghat, shrugged both his legs with both his hands and sat down.

That girl said “bhabhi, my name is Anushka. Can I bring you something to eat?”

Sanju said softly, “I am not hungry.”

Anushka said “bhabhi, you go to the attached washroom and get fresh, I will bring you some food, you must be tired in the journey?”

Sanju nodded yes and Anushka locked the room from outside and went out to get something to eat for Sanju. Sanju went to the washroom, which was huge and that was decorated with fine designer marbles. Going to the washroom, Sanju got refreshed by taking off the big nathiya from his nose and came back to the room and sat on the corner of the bed, wearing a ghunghat again. After a while Anushka came to Sanju with a plate of breakfast and served Sanju to eat. Sanju had breakfast and after wearing a ghunghat, sat down again. Anushka notices that Sanju has taken out a nathiya from his nose.

Anushka said “bhabhi, why did you remove the nathiya? To do so is considered inauspicious.”

Sanju did not respond and again put on the nathiya in his nose and sat down with a ghunghat. It was quite a night and now Anushka brought a beautician with her to prepare Sanju for the Suhaagraat. The beautician dressed up Sanju in a Kanchiwaram silk sari and a matching backless blouse and was dressed in various ornaments. After that Sanju was made to wear a ghunghat and made him sit in the middle of the bed. This time Sanju had a bigger nathiya than before, in which there was no supporting chain, due to which Sanju was getting pain in his nose. But Sanju could not express his pain to anyone and he sat down silently bowing her head in ghunghat.

Anushka said “Sanju bhabhi, when brother comes into the room, give him this saffron milk yellow and don't let him see your face until he gives you a gift.”

Sanju nodded her head yes. After that Anushka wished Sanju good luck and went out of the room with the beautician.

For a minute or so, nothing happened, Sanju raised his eyes to look but Siddharth (now husband) was nowhere to be seen. Sanju raised his head a little more to look and then he looked at him in the corner. Sanju hastily lowered his head again and fixed the veil. Sensing this, Siddharth came and sat next to Sanju. Sanju raised the glass from the table and gave it to his husband to drink. Siddharth drank milk from Sanju's hands.

Then he took off his sherwani and placed it near the bed. Sanju was scared beyond his beliefs. Siddharth gave a gift to Sanju and adjusted the flow of AC. Sanju did not move at all, further Siddharth lifted Sanju's veil. Sanju was ashamed, he lowered his face. Sanju was sitting with his head covered and hands around his both feet. Siddharth lifted Sanju’s face from the chin and Sanju was still closed his eyes.

Siddharth started praising Sanju’s beauty. He removed his vest and pyjama he was wearing and moved his hand towards Sanju’s pallu. Sanju opened his eyes and tried to resist but seeing his muscular body at the age of 40’s, Sanju’s resistance went for a toss. In no time Sanju’s pallu had dropped. Siddharth removed Sanju’s ornaments and started untying his backless blouse. Sanju wished to run away but somehow his mind and body were not in sync. Siddharth lifted, removed the ghunghat and led out a deep breath. He wanted to have a final memory of Sanju on this day and spent a few moments adoring her beauty. Sanju was still looking down and blushing. Siddharth lifted Sanju’s chin up and bent down to kiss him. The biggest nathiya obstructed this kiss so; Siddharth removed it with his own bare hands. He kissed Sanju again and removed the saree while kissing him. In no time Sanju was out of Kanchiwaram saree and backless blouse, before he could understand, Sanju was in his inner wear and they were deep kissing.

This exposed Sanju’s new large boobs which made Siddharth’s male organ stiff as a rock. He almost tore apart his blouse and bra and started biting Sanju’s 34D size big boobs and nipples; he pressed them as hard as he could and started kissing him all over her beautiful face. He was felling and pressing Sanju’s big boobs continuously for next 15 minutes, He gave Sanju multiple love bytes all over his shoulders and neck. There were waves of pleasure erupting in his body originating from his breasts. Sanju was completely buried under the large muscular body of Siddharth. It was even hurting him at some places but he loved each and every bit of it. Siddharth started rubbing his hard dick against lower body and he pushed Sanju’s back in missionary position. He positioned himself over Sanju and holding he started the journey, the moment he entered for the first time, Sanju cried a lot and tried to push him away. It was an unbearable pain, but he held Sanju strongly and would not let him go. Sanju led out soft moans as Siddharth played with his boobs. Sanju longed to kiss his long thick male organ which was pressing against his lower body.

Sanju whispered in his husband’s ears "please stop Siddharth ji; you’re hurting me so hard, your dick is so big, please stop, pleaseeeee.”

After a while he started pumping and Sanju was feeling the pain. Even though Sanju did remember the warning he could not hold and starched him. He pumped Sanju and god knows why, but Sanju enjoyed every minute of it and wanted it to go on forever for about 20 minutes he pumped before he came. Sanju was drenched in a mix of sweat and pleasure. It was a pleasure Sanju had never experienced before. Sanju was pleased and at the same time he was ashamed as well. How did it happen, I was a man and why did I allow it these emotions were going inside me. With these thought tears were rolling down Sanju’s checks.

In next 20 minutes, he again climbed on Sanju and both again had sex. Siddharth repeated it seven more times. Sanju was totally exhausted by then. He again climbed for the eighth time and this time Sanju started biting him to make him go away, but like an experienced player, he did not budge. This unleashed the beast inside Siddharth. The sight of his dick made Sanju lose his mind, he had dreamt about it ever since he had never planned his wedding. And her it was in all its glory, a thick 8'' tool, hard as a rock he wanted to fill her mouth it but Siddharth wanted to fuck him once more. So he started rubbing it against his ass again. He was careful to enough to insert it slowly at first. Sanju led out a soft moan of pleasure and pain when the hot dick entered his body.

Siddharth’s dick was huge and it was hurting him initially. None of his dilations had prepared him for this. But the pleasure, oh the pleasure, Sanju was getting wave after wave of pleasure from each of his stroke. His strokes starting getting faster and faster and so did the levels of pleasure in Sanju's body. The hot dick was hitting hard against his ass walls. Sanju felt heavenly and wanted the pleasure to never end. His moans became louder and louder and at one moment Siddharth had to cover his mouth to stop him.

Siddharth kept pounding him and Sanju wrapped his legs around his body, he buried his hands deep into back and started kissing him wildly. The waves of pleasure had broken some pleasure barrier inside his body and he felt ecstatic. Sanju knew he had orgasm. She felt so happy or, sad at the same time and felt that all the pain was worth this pleasure. Siddharth also soon came inside his ass and now her ass was dripping with cum. Siddharth also lead out a loud moan and crashed beside him on the bed. Sanju kissed him again. Now they both were too tired from all the rituals and decided to sleep. In total, Sanju and Siddharth had sex 10 times in that night, which left Sanju totally exhausted to the extent that he did not even have energy to pee.

Next morning Sanju found himself in his husband’s arms. Sanju carefully tried to get up without waking up but the sounds of his bangles woke him up.

Siddharth gave Sanju a large grin and caught him in his arms and said "you made me the happiest man in the world yesterday.”

Sanju replied “I want each day to be better now. Only you and me darling. Now let me go as everyone will be waiting for me downstairs."

He made a sad face and let Sanju go. Sanju quickly gathered his clothes and went for the bath. Sanju sat down in the washroom to pee, there were cum stains all over his ass. Sanju missed peeing standing up. Sanju took a bath and got ready for his first day at Sasural. Sanju felt a visualisation of his male self from staring at him from some corner when he applied the sindoor on his forehead and wore a pink saree with backless blouse. Sanju went out and woke up his hubby with his wet hair. Siddharth grabbed Sanju again and they kissed again. Sanju’s lipstick was all over his hubby’s face. Sanju laughed and decided to give a blowjob to his husband. He was still naked but his dick was still sleeping. With a few kisses it was erect as a pole again. 

Sanju thought of it as an ice cream and tried licking it in every way possible, all the porn videos that Sanju had ever watched but not once had he thought that one day he would use those poses here. Finally Sanju took it all inside and took it inside her mouth. She almost choked at one point. Siddharth finally came in his mouth and Sanju tasted sperm for the first time. Siddharth was almost mad from the pleasure, he laughed at his face dripping with cum. Sanju felt really ashamed and ran to bathroom and took a bath again and brushed her teeth as hard as she could.

A voice shouted inside her "What have you done Sanju? How could you do this to yourself?"

Sanju had left the door open and Siddharth entered and grabbed her from behind.

Sanju tried to calm himself when Siddharth said "You don't have to do it baby if you don't like it. I will never force you."

Sanju covered his mouth and said "It was the first time, I will get used to it honey.”

Sanju finally dressed up again as a newlywed dulhan with Mangalasutra, bindi, sindoor, toe rings, big earrings, heavy designer nathiya, heavy silver payal and a pink saree. Sanju covered his head and touched the feet of all elders. Sanju’s saasu maa was joking asked about last night and said that her glowing face was telling everything. Sanju blushed again and hugged his new mother. Sanju’s saasu maa told her to get up early from tomorrow whenever he is at home as there are a lot of household chores. Sanju tried to help and did whatever he could but most of the people told him to rest.

The rest of the day passed quickly with all the guests leaving and by evening Sanju started packing for their honeymoon which began on the next day. They had the time of their lives in Mauritius. The days were spent in fun activities like parasailing, snorkelling or diving and nights were filled with wild sex. The week passed very quickly and soon they were back at their Delhi’s apartment.

After coming to Delhi, Sanju's life had completely changed. Siddhartha had his own modern bungalow in Delhi and there were cooking maids, cleaning staff, a security guard, a small gymnasium, spacious rooms, very large washrooms and a beautiful flower garden. The journey from Sanjay to becoming Sanju had just begun. Sanju liked his husband's house very much. Usually such a luxurious house in Delhi is found in crores and today Sanju had become not only Siddharth's wife but also the mistress of that luxurious house.

Despite all this, Sanju had to spend the whole day alone in that house. Siddharth gifted Sanju an iPhone so that he would spend half the day talking to his mother-in-law, Anushka and then his mother and for half the day watching cooking recipes on YouTube and sometimes the Saas Bahu TV serials. In that house, Sanju was free to wear whatever he wanted, he didn't have to wear a ghunghat. Sanju was free to wear T-shirts and jeans too, but Sanju would have preferred sarees more. Sanju adorned himself, wore jewellery, wore small nathiya in his nose, and sometimes big Bali in both ears and sometimes big jhumkas. Sanju used to wear sindoor in his maang, wore mangalsutra around his neck and always remained in a ghunghat because he knew that if he had to go to his in-laws' house again in front of his mother-in-law, he would have to do it all over again. Every night it was night and when Siddharth came home, Sanju would serve him food like a pativrata woman and would eat food only after he had eaten. At night, Siddharth would have nude Sanju in the bed, then he would have romanced throughout and every night he slept only after three or four rounds of hardcore sex. Sanju's mother-in-law started speaking to him every day for the child and even after wanting, he was not able to talk to Siddharth about it because he knew that he is still a man from inside and giving birth to the child was just not her cup of tea. But one day Siddharth's mother started asking him for the child directly and Siddharth talked to Sanju about it.

Siddharth said "mother has asked for the child."

Sanju said " mother has been telling me too for the children for a long time but it is not possible."

Siddharth said "it is possible but for that you will have to undergo sex change operation."

Sanju said "I am fine like this, do not get me to change sex."

Siddharth said "I am not asking, I am telling that you prepare yourself mentally for sex change operation."

Sanju said "I do not want to change sex, we adopt a child from the orphanage."

Siddharth said "no, we will not adopt the child. I want my child, whom you want to give birth to. I am giving one month time, you prepare yourself for sex change operation. After that I will get you admitted to the latest hospital here."

Before Sanju would say anything, Siddharth got up from there and left and Sanju became very emotional. In the afternoon, Sanju spoke to her mother.

Sanju's mother said "what happened, get it done, sex change operation! damaad ji has done so much for us, you are his wife, if he wants to make you a complete woman, then it is even better.

Sanju said "but mother, do you know anything about sex change operation? My sex parts will be cut and removed and the pain that I will have to bear for the next one month. After becoming a woman, I will be completely transformed, my voice will become feminine and I will also have periods which I will have to go through for the rest of my life. After sex change operation, they will ask me for a child and will definitely say. Suppose even if a child is born, how will I take care of it, all this cannot happen. Mother, talk to them and explain to them that you should remove the thought of sex change operation from your mind."

Sanju's mother said Sanju bitiya, you are now not only my daughter but also wife of damaad ji. Damaad ji has the right to take all decisions, I cannot say anything. But I will definitely tell you that if damaad ji wants, then you should get your sex changed and be the woman damaad ji wants. If I want too, then you become a mother, when you become a mother, I will come to you, I will take care of the child myself and I will teach you how to take care of the child. Don't be afraid and say yes for sex change operation.

Sanju tried hard to convince himself but Sanju's mother did not agree and advised him to get a sex change done. Sanju had a lot of apprehension about sex change and after watching a lot of videos about sex change on YouTube, Sanju got a lot of courage. Sanju thought that if not today then tomorrow sex change will have to be done, so why wait for a month. Sanju agreed to Siddharth to undergo sex change operation after two days.

Sidharth was very happy with this, Sanju was going to be what his husband wanted, on the other hand, it was surprising that Sanju was going to be a permanent woman now and his husband was very bad at that time. Sanju had lost his manhood and Now after transformation, he had to live a woman's life and he was eating it inside from inside.

After 2 days, Siddharth and Sanju’s mother took Sanju to the hospital and he got admission by the doctor.

The nurse said "First of all, Sanjay now you do not need to wear this saree and ornaments."

And they take off his clothes and jewellery and make him wear a gown.

When Sanju came out in the gown, the nurse said "take away the little nathiya off your nose too."

Sanju had completely forgotten that he also had a small nathiya in his nose, he felt embarrassed. The nurse packed Sanju's saree and jewellery in a bag and gave it to her mother.

Nurse said "now you will be able to meet Sanju only after two months!"

Sanju's mother hugged Sanju and said "have courage, daughter, everything will be fine."

Sanju said "okay maa!"

And she left with Siddharth after getting emotional.

From the next day, the operation of Sanju started.

For the very first 1st week, he was given female hormones and some injections.

By the second week, the waist, hip and buttocks of Sanju became more thick and fragile than before.

Over the next two weeks, Sanju's lips were already thicker than before, and the nose and the nose were also diluted in advance. Then Sanju's throat surgery was done, so that his voice became sweet like a girl.

Now 4 weeks have passed, now the doctor has done the surgery of Sanju's chest and transformed it into breast size 36D was given to Sanju's breast and after that, his penis was removed from his body and it was replaced by vagina. Two ovary an ovary and uterine canal were developed in his body.

For the next four weeks, the laser treatment method started. Sanju's body hairs were cleared through laser technology and now Sanju's body was hairless and silky smooth, white and it became soft. Now doctors told the nurse to activate the pink vagina of Sanju, for next 15 days, to enter Vibrator Dildos inside the vagina of Sanju so that vagina may be fully absorbed in its natural shape.

When the nurse told this thing to Sanju, he said, "what is it needed or is there any other way for this?"

But the nurse avoided him with a smile. When Sanju saw the dildo, she panicked.

The nurse said "Do not panic Sanju. Do not panic. Now you have become a woman, I will tell you about why all this is necessary. You are now a woman with two ovaries and a uterus in your body. Every year an ovary is formed from one ovary. As the egg grows, the internal protection layer of the uterus also gets mature. When the egg becomes completely mature and fertilisation becomes eligible. If it is fertilised, then this layer is ready to accept it and sets the fertilised egg in the uterus where the baby is formed. This means that the function of this layer is to give initial nutrition to the fertilised egg. If the egg does not fertilise, then this layer becomes useless. At the end of the cycle of your menstruation, this layer has a mixed discharge of the tissue, blood and mucus. It exits from vagina in the form of a blood-mixed discharge, which is called a monthly discharge or, periods. As it is for all women, it is also necessary that you should enter the vibration of Dildo in your vagina, and when it takes its shape, you can interact with any man and also with the children. You will be able to give birth."

When this process was started, for the first time, Sanju experienced having a woman and he started to understand how much pain women had to endure.

After 14 days, the ovary, uterus and vagina of Sanju were fully developed. While congratulating Sanju, the doctor said that she has now become a woman. Listening to this, Sanjay became very emotional and started crying.

Nurse explained "Sanju, now what will happen with crying; now you have become a woman, your family members will come anytime and take you."

While the nurse and Sanju were talking among themselves, Mansi came wearing a gown on the bed next to him. Mansi is shocked to see Sanju.

Mansi said "Sanju, are you here?"

Sanju said "yes Mansi, did I have an operation?"

The nurse interrupted "sex change operation!"

Sanju said "Hmm! Same!"

Mansi said, "So have you become a woman, Sanju?"

Sanju said shyly "Yes Mansi, I have become a complete woman now."

Mansi said "Ohhh! You are looking so beautiful and your voice has become as sweet as a cuckoo."

Sanju asked "What are you doing here?"

Mansi said "Ishaan ji wants me to become a complete woman and give birth to their children and carry forward their lineage."

Sanju said "Hmm! After sex change you will look very beautiful Mansi!"

Mansi said "Like you have become beautiful already."

Sanju said "Hmm! Exactly!"

Mansi said "You know Ishaan ji fought with his entire family so that I could become a proper woman. When Ishaan's family members don't agree, Ishaan ji brought me to Delhi and I am staying here in Ashok Nagar!"

Sanju said "I am also living in Delhi! After getting the operation done, definitely come to my house once."

Mansi said "Yes I will definitely come!"

In this, Siddharth and Sanju's mother had come to the hospital to pick up Sanju. Sanju gave her mobile number and address to Mansi by writing on paper and the nurse asked Sanju to get ready. Siddharth had brought a yellow designer Patiala and suit with long red transparent dupatta, bra, panty, high heels, earrings, nathiya, heavy silver payal and make-up accessories for Sanju. The nurse gave all the belongings to Sanju and left from there.

After a while Sanju got ready in Patiala suit, Mansi put on her make-up and made her wear ornaments. After Sanju put on high heels, Mansi hung Sanju's mangalsutra outside the kurti and asked her to fill in vermilion. Sanju filled her demand with vermilion, then finally put a red transparent veil on her head and now she was ready. Sanju wishes Mansi good luck for her sex change operation and comes to the doctors chamber along with the nurse. Siddharth and Sanju's mother were sitting there. When Sanju saw her mother, she bowed down and touched her feet and took blessings. Then Sanju took blessings by touching the feet of her husband Siddharth.

The doctor said to Siddharth, "When you admitted your wife Sanju to this hospital, she was earlier half woman and half man, but through the latest technology, we have made her a complete woman by operating her. Sanju is a complete woman. She has become pregnant and her period will start from next month and after three months you can conceive Sanju. Sanju is also capable of becoming a mother and like a normal lady she is capable of giving birth to as many children as she wants. In true sense of woman's gesture, manner of walking, the development of sweetness in voice will be very fast in the first two months. As you said, Sanju's chest was developed in the same way. When Sanju will conceive then its development Breast milk will automatically fill."

Siddharth and Sanju's mother were very happy to hear this, while Sanju kept her eyes down in shame.

The doctor said "So, Mr. Mittal, if your wife Sanju conceives, then get her admitted in this hospital. In this hospital pregnant women give birth to babies without cesarean operation. Due to this, the pregnant women do not lose much blood while giving birth to children and the child is also born completely healthy."

Siddharth says thanks and ok to the doctor and returns to his bungalow with Sanju and his mother. Sanju had now become a full woman and on her return home, Sanju's mother performed aarti of both Sanju and Siddharth from the aarti plate, worshiped God and then gave her blessings.

For a month after the sex change operation, Sanju's mother stayed with him, taking full care of him, whether it was Dildo Penetration or mental preparation for the child. Sanju's mother left after a month as the relationship of Sanju's sister Neha with a friend of Siddharth had been settled and after three months both of them were married. With only three months left in the marriage, to prepare for the marriage, Siddharth gave Sanju's mother twenty five lakh rupees and left her saying that she would come to the wedding. Sanju liked Siddhartha's generosity and his heart beats for the first time in his life. On leaving, Sanju promises her mother that she will not say no to Siddharth for the child. Sanju's mother was very happy to hear about her and after leaving there Siddharth talked to Sanju the same night about the child.

Sanju said "You are so good, because you gave twenty five lakh rupees for my sister. You are doing so much for me, so it is my duty to obey you too!"

Siddharth said "hmm, I am ready but after two days it is KarvaChauth and mother has said that that day will be auspicious. Anyway, on that day you will keep the fast of KarvaChauth for me and you will be ready like a dulhan, will you not?"

Sanju said "If you want, I will be ready as you say!"

Siddharth romances with Sanju, Sanju realizes that he has never had such a sensation before and after the sex change operation. Sanju was feeling good in the romance with Siddharth and his excitement was increasing. Siddharth had said that everything would happen on the night of KarvaChauth, but Sanju had become so excited that he could no longer tolerate it and started giving him a blowjob by taking Siddharth's cock in his mouth. The bukkake excited Siddhartha too and kept loving every part of Sanju's soft body in his arms.

Seeing Sanju and Siddharth were nude in a short time and Siddharth now started sucking Sanju's boobs with full enthusiasm. Sanju was now at the peak of excitement and could not bear it anymore and Siddharth inserted his cock into Sanju's small vagina. 

One stroke and Sanju's scream came out so loud that Siddhartha sealed Sanju's lips with his own. Sanju felt as if someone had ripped him in two and there was no end to his tears. Sanju was in a lot of pain and by holding Siddharth tightly with both her hands, she waited for her pain to subside. Then Siddharth applied the second stroke, this time again Sanju screamed but this time the pain subsided a bit. Siddhartha started kissing Sanju slowly and holding Sanju tightly in his arms, slowly started applying strokes. Sanju's pain started to subside and Siddharth's strokes started increasing. 

For about twenty minutes, Siddharth continued to fuck Sanju and finally as soon as he discharged his sperms, Sanju also felt the first orgasm of his life. Sanju and Siddharth held each other in their arms and held each other for a long time and Siddharth asked Sanju for the second round.

Sanju said I come from the washroom.

Siddharth said, I also walk my love!

Then Siddharth took Sanju in his arms and took him to the washroom. Sanju sat down and looked at Siddharth while doing the restroom and realized that once he too was a man who has become a woman today. Siddharth makes Sanju sit on his cock in the bathtub and starts licking her again. This time Siddharth's cock was going very deep in Sanju's vagina and with every stroke Sanju was making ah ohhh. For half an hour, Siddharth had passionate sex with Sanju and once again discharged his sperm inside Sanju, but this time Sanju did not orgasm. Siddharth stopped but Sanju did not want Siddharth to stop. But Siddharth took Sanju out of the bathtub and asked him to give a blowjob. Sanju gives a blowjob to Siddharth and then Siddhartha takes Sanju to the bed. After laying Sanju down, Siddhartha spread both his legs in the air and started fucking him again. After the next fifteen minutes of hardcore sex with Sanju, Siddharth had a sperm discharge and Sanju also had an orgasm together. After that Sanju realized a lot of weakness and when she fell into the lap of sleep, she did not know anything.
Sanju's periods stopped the very next month. As soon as Sanju came to vote, Siddharth took Sanju to the doctor. Then the doctor informed Siddharth about Sanju's pregnancy.

The doctor said "Your wife is pregnant and she is in her first month. Congratulations!"

After listening to the doctor, Siddhartha looked at Sanju proudly and Sanju sat down with her head bowed in shame. A few days after learning of Sanju's pregnancy, she was sent to her in-laws' house. Here Sanju's sister was married with great pomp. Siddharth took Sanju to his sister's wedding and everyone present there knew Sanju as a boy. No one knew that Sanju had become a woman and was carrying Siddharth's child in her womb. 

After the marriage of his sister, Sanju stayed with her mother for two to three days and Siddharth also stayed there. Sanju's mother had become all alone, so Siddhartha left Sanju there and returned to Delhi. 

Here, when the ninth month of Sanju's pregnancy has come, neither Sanju nor Siddhartha came to know about it. After tolerating eight hours of continuous labor pain, Sanju fainted after giving birth to Siddhartha's son. Ten hours after giving birth to Siddhartha's son, Sanju regained consciousness. Then the nurse gave her son to Sanju and gave him her milk to feed. After the first time, Sanju touched his son's mouth with his breasts and milk started pouring out from his breasts. In life, Sanju realized what motherhood meant. When Sanju was discharged from the hospital after two days with her child, Siddharth kept her in her in-laws' house. Sanju and Siddharth named their son Nayan. Sanju would have been served a lot in the in-laws, mother-in-law would carry Nayan in her lap throughout the day and would not let anyone disturb the child. When Nayan felt hungry, Sanju would pacify him by feeding him his milk.

Here Mansi's sex change operation was completed and now Ishaan brought Mansi home after getting discharged from the hospital. After coming home, nothing happened between Ishaan and Mansi for the first two months but Ishaan could not tolerate it till the third month. Ishaan starts having hardcore sex with Mansi and continues to fuck her till she faints. After a month when Mansi's periods stopped and she started vomiting and felt like eating sour. Then Ishaan took Mansi to the doctor and there the doctor confirmed Ishaan about Mansi's pregnancy. Nine months later, Mansi also had a labor pain of seven to eight hours, after which she also gave birth to her husband Ishaan's first son. After giving birth to the child, when Mansi fed her son for the first time, she also kept the first feeling of motherhood in her heart.

Four years have passed. Ishaan is living a very happy life with his wife Mansi and Siddharth with his wife Sanju and their kids.


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हिमाचल की बड़ी ही खूबसूरत शाम थी वो, जब मैं हर रोज़ की तरह झांकी में परफॉर्म करने के लिए रेडी हो रहा था। मैं नही जानता था कि वो शाम मेरी परफॉरमेंस की आखिरी शाम साबित होगी। मेरे डायरेक्टर के एक कॉल ने मेरी जिंदगी ऐसी दोराहे पर लाकर खड़ी कर दी, जहां से एक नया सफर शुरू हुआ और तब मैम अपनी लाइफ का वो फैसला लिया जिसे लेना मेरे लिए आसान नही था।  मेरा नाम शानू है, उम्र 19 साल और कद काठी से काफी स्लिम और छोटी हाइट का होने के कारण झांकी के डायरेक्टर सिद्धान्त कुमार; हमेशा मुझसे फीमेल रोल्स ही करवाते। मुझे फीमेल रोल्स करने में कोई आपत्ति नही क्योंकि इसी से मेरा घर चलता है और सबसे ज्यादा पैसे भी मुझे ही मिलते हैं। मेरी बूढी माँ और छोटी बहन के सिवा मेरी लाइफ में कुछ भी नही था, ना अपना घर, ना ही कोई जमीन और ना ही कोई सेविंग्स। बहन की शादी समय से हो, इसीलिए मैं सेविंग्स करना शुरू कर दिया, मैं अपनी लाइफ में बड़ा ही खुश था, लेकिन एक दिन कुछ ऐसा हुआ कि मेरी खुशी को ग्रहण लग गया। वैसे तो झांकी परफॉरमेंस के दौरान अक्सर जवान लड़े और बूढ़े मर्द मुझमे इंतेरेस्ट दिखाते, मुझसे मेरा नंबर मांगते और मैं भी किसी किसी को

Superstar Part -1

अनिरुद्ध सिंह शहर के जाने माने इंडस्ट्रियलिस्ट थे , जिनकी शहर और समाज में बहुत इज़्ज़त थी। अनिरुद्ध सिंह की पत्नी शहर की जानी मानी डॉक्टर थीं और उनका बड़ा बेटा राज इंजीनियर और छोटा बेटा देवेश अपनी इंजीनियरिंग के पहले साल में कोलकाता में पढाई कर रहा था। टिकटोक और यूट्यूब वीडियोस का चलन जोरों पर था और कोलकाता में ज्यादातर लड़के मोंटी रॉय और संजीब दास को फॉलो करते और देखते ही देखते देवेश भी टिक्टक वीडियोस बनाने लगा ताकि उसकी भी अपनी एक पहचान बने! लेकिन देवेश की यही चाह उसे ऐसे मोड़ पर ले आई जहाँ से कोई यू टर्न नहीं बचा था और यहीं से कहानी की शुरुआत होती है। अनिरुद्ध - देव! ये सब क्या है ? देवेश - वो पापा मैं! अनिरुद्ध - देखो ऋतू , अपने नालायक बेटे की करतूत! यही करने भेजा था कोलकाता मैंने! ऋतू - मैं बात करती हूँ , आप शांत हो जाइए! अनिरुष - समझा लो अपने बेटे को! कोलकाता पढ़ने गया है और अपनी पढाई पर ध्यान दे! ऋतू - आप शांत हो जाइये और आराम करो! मैं देव से बात करती हूँ! अनिरुद्ध - हम्म! अनिरुद्ध के जाने के बाद! ऋतू - ये क्या है देवेश! तुझे ऐसे लड़कियों की तरह कपडे पहनने की क्या ज