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Magic World

It all started when we all friends, after college, we all decided to hang out and go out on an outing. My name is Rohan, my girlfriend Neha, my friend Suresh, his girlfriend Nikita and Akshay, his girlfriend Savita. We all studied together in college and our group was very united. The dream of roaming in the hills of Lonavala was years old and our parents also gave us full permission for outing, only then we went out on the outing.

The one week outing included river rafting, swinging on trees in the forest, watching the stars in the dark forest, making a lion cave, picnicking, exploring the new paths of the forest and exploring the wild animals and we had a lot of fun throughout the week. Wherever we six passed by, we would write our names on the trees and write our story about how much fun we had there. I enjoyed a lot of romantic nights with Neha, although I and Neha were having an affair since college time, but the fun of romantic night with Neha in her arms was bringing us even closer. I and Neha's parents had accepted our relationship anyway, so there was complete freedom of love and romance. Akshay was enjoying the romantic moment with Savita and Suresh with Nikita. It was a very memorable journey of our life and the six of us enjoyed a lot.

It was our last day in the jungle and the six of us decided that we would come here again after us all got jobs and when we started earning good money. The exciting journey of roaming in the forest was now about to end the very next day. That night, six of us together were playing Antakshari by lighting a fire by joining wood outside the tent, when we saw a ray of light coming from a tree. That light had spread far and wide and we could not understand what it was all about! I, Rohan and Suresh decided that we will go there and see what is out there! Although Nikita, Neha and Savita refused us, but we thought if there is any other group that has come for outing or is Naagmani, our life will change by getting him.

Whatever happened, whatever was there changed our life completely. We had no idea that we would have to bear the brunt of being immature. When all three of us went to that tree, we six people had the desire to know the source of that light, but only all three of us had the courage to go to that light. Unaware of any adverse situation, all three of us moved towards that light when Savita, Nikita and Neha came and stopped us and said what would happen if something like this happened. But don't know what was in that light that we all were desperate to know the reason for it.

I asked Nikita, Neha and Savita to go to the tent and all three of us went closer to that light, nothing happened. We even touched the tree and saw that there was anything there, despite investigating around the tree for about five to ten minutes, we could not find anything. Neither there was any other group nor Naagmani. That light was just coming out of that tree and we could not understand anything from where this light was coming.

Akshay: See Savita come here, there is nothing here. Take your smartphone and click some photos here.

Savita: Hmm, you all come early or in the tent, don't stay there for long, if there is a fire in the tree and the tree has fallen?

Hearing Savita's words, I started laughing with all three of Akshay, Suresh.

Me: Neha, quickly turn on your smartphone and make our video. Do you know if this light disappears then we will lose such a lovely moment?

Neha agreed to my point and as soon as I turned on the smartphone and asked to pose for making the video, we experienced gravity loss and all three of us went on getting absorbed in the same unknown light. 

Didn't understand what happened but the force in that light was so much that neither we could see or understand anything nor all three of us fainted and fell into the river. I don't know how long the three of us remained unconscious, but when we woke up, very beautiful girls, their height must have been about five feet in front of me, both of them were crying sitting on the bank of the river. 

Both of them were very hot and they were only wrapped in red and blue transparent sari, both of them had big and curvy boobs, slim waist and wide hips. In model-like petite figure and wet hair, both of them were wreaking havoc. I suddenly noticed that Akshay and Suresh had also been dragged along with me in that light, but both were not visible anywhere. At first I thought I would ask the two girls the reason for their crying and then take them with me and go out to find Akshay and Suresh. 

It was like, there were two beautiful Apsaras sitting in front of me and I started getting attracted towards them, bathing in the rain in the middle of the river. Just now I was thinking of getting up and going to both of them when two horsemen came, six and a half feet tall bodybuilders and bodybuilders. Before I could understand anything, both of them took the hands of the two girls behind and tied them with a rope and took them with them forcefully on their horse. I was like, I have no idea what happened. The two Apsaras sitting in front of me were forcefully taken away by two unknown horsemen on their horse and I was left feeling sad. I got up and as soon as I took a step to come out of the river, I felt something strange in my body. My cock was missing and when I put my hand on my chest, oh my god, my big boobs! How did I become a girl?

Like those two Apsaras, I had a yellow transparent sari on my body, in which I had big boobs, curvy body, wide hips and vagina instead of my cock. What have I become, I could not believe it, I am no longer a man, I had become a girl and I was also crying. What happened, I came out of the river with tears in my eyes, my boobs were so heavy that with every step I was going up and down and I was in pain from the heaviness of my chest.

Now I was also afraid that if someone sees me like this, then they will also take me away. Inside I was so scared that I went to another dense area of ​​the forest so that I would not be visible to anyone. But if I go, where should I go, with whom should I share this dilemma? Who were those two unknown horsemen who took away beautiful girls like those two Apsaras and who were those two beautiful girls after all? Surrounded by thousands of questions, I kept on moving on the unknown path. There was no trace of Neha, Nikita, Savita, Akshay and Suresh far and wide and I was a man till some time ago, just becoming a woman myself and wandering in this forest. My legs were getting tangled in my saree again and again; my boobs were moving up and down and giving me a lot of pain in my chest. I could not understand where I was going, then seeing a hut; I saw a ray of hope. Seeing that hut, it was clean and it seemed as if Baba people had a hut in the olden days, just like that.

When I reached the door of that hut, an old lady came out from inside.

Old lady: who are you?

Me: Hey Auntie, I am Rohan, I am from Mumbai. Came to visit the forest with some of my friends. I don't know where my friends are now and I need your help finding them!

The old lady was staring at me listening to my words.

Me: What happened Aunty, will you help me?

Old lady: Daughter, what's your name?

Me: Rohan?

Old lady: And where are you from?

Me: Mumbai!

Old lady: Oh girl, are you crazy? First, why is your name like a boy and Mumbai, which place is this? I have heard this name for the first time! And what are you abusing me by repeatedly saying aunty aunty!

Me: No, no, I am calling you aunty because we respect women older than our age by calling them aunties. Mumbai is a place close to the seashore and my name is Rohan and I was only a man till a while back. But I do not know how I came here after coming out of that dark forest. Two of my friends also came out of that forest with me but I have no news of either of them. I do not understand where I have come to this place, it is very beautiful to look at but how did I become a woman after coming here?

Old lady: Hmm! I understood. I know a wise woman who can help you, but get ready first. I give you a sari, wear it well or else you will get cold.

Me: I don't know how to wear a sari, you wear it!

Then the old lady made me wear a silk sari, but she didn't have any blouse or bra to balance my heavy boobs. Now I understood how girls balance their boobs. I asked the old lady for a silk cloth and tied the pony bobs tight.

Old lady: Oh wow Rohan, you are looking very beautiful.

Me: Thanks!

Old lady: Are you abusing me again?

Me: Oh no, I'm thanking you!

Old lady: Hmm! Well then, now come with me!

That old lady took me to an old ruin. There a forty-year-old woman was sitting with her eyes closed, a havankund, some havan samagri was kept around her and the woman in a white sari looked like a yogini.

Old lady: Mother, open your eyes, we have come to your shelter.

Hearing that old lady's voice, that elf opened her eyes and looked at me smiling.

Yogini: Say daughter, what's the problem?

The old lady looked at me and told me to tell everything to that elf. I also saw that yogini, folded both hands and narrated my entire past to her.

Yogini: Rohini, you have come from your dimension to another dimension. And the river in which you fell is cursed. Before a man takes a bath in it, he has to offer Arghya to the Sun, otherwise the man turns into a woman. The part of India from which you have come, this is the same place, the same forest, but the dimension is different. In this dimension, although people come and go from outside dimensions are stopped, but if someone comes to this dimension from another dimension, then that too can be done only by the wishes of the Goddess here. Out of 33 categories of deities in your dimension, eight Vasus, eleven Rudra, twelve Adityas, Indra and Prajapati are worshipped, but in this dimension only Goddess is worshipped. The place where you are now, the name of this place is Devikhand and its king is Durgesh Prajapati. As far as I can see, you have not come alone in this dimension, daughter, you have two friends with you who have been taken away by some robbers.

Me: Oh my god, those two Apsaras, my friends Akshay and Suresh also became women. Both of them have been taken away by those dacoits and that too in front of me. I didn't know that they are Suresh and Akshay Mata, so will my friends and I be stuck in this dimension forever? How do I rescue my friends from those bandits and get out of here?

Yogini: Daughter, it is not all that easy, but it is not difficult either. But before that you have to give many tests, prove yourself worthy to go into your own dimension and most of all. Before all this, you have to bring your friends here after freeing them from those bandits. Next new moon and moon combination is happening in the month of Kartik next year, till then even I cannot do anything.

Me: Mother, don't you say that! How do I free my friends from the clutches of those bandits?

Yogini: Mother Goddess wants you to experience femininity, lead a female life and know what a female life is like! For that you have to completely engage yourself in female life, this sacrifice made by you will show you the way to go in your dimension and your friends will also have to make the same sacrifice, only then both of them should also be in their dimension. The route to go will be displayed.

Me: I will do as you say, Mother!

Yogini: Okay daughter, first of all you have to accept your femininity. When you talk to anyone, then in the tone of women. You have to take care that it is comfortable for you to wear the clothes of women with feminine qualities and feminine nature. My disciple Rudra will teach you to wear all these feminine qualities, temperaments and costumes and you will also be taught dance. When these four qualities are settled in you, then I will take you as a dancer in the court of Maharaj and after a few days you should also talk to Maharaj to free both your friends. Maharaj is very kind, he will definitely free both your friends from those dacoits.

Me: Mother, I am ready to do whatever you say.

Yogini: Alright Rohini, you go with Rudra and when you come in front of me again, only the feminine aura should be visible from within you.

Me: Oh mother!

After a while a girl came there, Rudra, whom the Yogini was talking about. Rudra is so beautiful that if a man sees her, he gets ejaculated. Rudra took me with her and my training started. Getting nose and ears pierced was a very difficult task for me but Rudra explained to me that there are many physical benefits of getting nose and ears pierced for women and she pierced my nose and ears. Within two months, I had mastered all the household chores. At the same time, I started learning a lot in the art of wearing clothes, making up and dancing like women. The journey from Rohan to Rohini was nearing completion by the end of the second month. The next month itself, the competition for the best dancer was to be held in the Rajya Sabha of Maharaj Durgesh and I was well prepared by Rudra for that. Now after doing household chores, every time I think about my makeup. The women here wear saris but none of the women wear blouses or bras. I don't know why, they all would have been very happy but I found it difficult to handle my two big boobs, so I also learned about sewing embroidery from Rudra. I made a blouse according to my boobs which was completely backless and also added some colorful strings to it so that the blouse would be tight. After seeing a lot of heroines in backless blouses in movies, I sewed my blouse according to my guess and after wearing that blouse, Rudra praised me a lot. Although silk worms were easily found from the forests there, only silk saris were available to wear. It is quite heavy but wearing a saree with a backless blouse would make me feel great. I was the only woman in that dimension to have made a backless blouse and Rudra requested me to get a backless blouse made for herself as well.

When I asked Rudra how she felt wearing the blouse, she told me that she felt confident and was very happy. I also wore a blouse for the first time in my life, but I also felt confident as if this female body of mine had got strength. I was as happy as Rudra.

Today was the day for which I worked so hard and Rudra taught me so much. Today the competition for the best dancer was to be held, dancers from far and wide were about to come to the palace of the Maharaj, more than half of the people were eager to see the competition. I also came to Maharaj's palace with Yogini Mata and Rudra but I was brought in a palanquin like other dancers. A separate hall was constructed for all the dancers and each room had many saris, gold, silver and diamond jewels and a large mirror. For the first time after coming into this dimension, I saw myself for very first time, oh god, I was looking so hot and beautiful. In these three months, I did not remember a single day of my past and lived every moment only for myself. Seeing myself today, I was fascinated by my own beauty. Rudra told me that no dancer was more beautiful than me and according to Rudra I had come not to participate in this competition but to win this competition. I had worked very hard to win this competition and this was the best opportunity for me to enter Maharaj's palace.

Following the Maharaj's orders, one after the other the dancers demonstrated their skills and at last I was called to perform the dance. All the dance moves that Rudra taught me, I put them in one thread and presented them in a better way by adding some Bollywood steps to them. 

I did not know that Maharaj would like my dance but Rudra knew that I was the most beautiful and unique of all these dancers and my style of wearing a sari was also different. Because among so many dancers and women, it was only me and Rudra who were wearing blouses and everyone's eyes were on me now that's when Maharaj said.

Maharaj: Although I have seen the dancing skills of all the dancers involved in this dance competition and have also awarded them marks according to their skills, but since I do not want to allow any kind of injustice to any participant, therefore Raj Narthaki Before announcing the dancer, I would like to give one more chance to those contestants who believe that if they had got one more chance in this competition, they would have been able to showcase their art which due to some reason they could not do in the previous attempts.

Maharaj: If any of you think so, please raise your hand.

As soon as Maharaj said this, many dancers raised their hands and expressed their desire to try again, so at last I also raised my hand. Everyone again demonstrated their dancing skills and finally I also performed my dance skills, after which the smile on Maharaj's face and his gaze on me could not take away even for a moment. But a total of three dancers were to be selected, out of which one Raj Narthaki and two dancers would become the maidservant of Raj Narthaki. I thought that Maharaj will now say the name of the winner but he once again gave one more chance to all the dancers but this time a total of 10 dancers raised their hands so I once again raised my hand but lastly. The dancers started showing off their dancing skills, so here I also tied my bodice tighter and raised the bulge of my boobs a little. When my turn came, this time I displayed my dancing skills by wearing a long veil from the sari's lap. It was like, I had never thought of doing all that I was doing in life, but I could not think of a better way to get out of this place and get my life back again. Maharaj was impressed by my dancing skills.

Maharaj: All of you dancers performed excellent dancing skills but there can be only one winner.

Come here, oh beauty! Maharaj called me in front. Then he also called two more dancers. Then Maharaj asked me and both of them also their names. I told Maharaj that my name is Rohini. One of them gave his name as Anukriti and the other as Sursangini. For a moment I thought that Anukreethy and Sursangini are Akshay and Suresh somewhere? Then I thought this is not the right place.

Maharaj: O Apsara Rohini, from today you are the royal dancer of this kingdom and Anukreethy and Sursangini are your slaves from today. Mahamaya, you take Rohini and her maids to the palace and show them her room.

The choreography competition concluded with colourful programs. Mahamaya took me and my two maidservants along and brought them to a very large room. Large chandeliers, marble floor, large bathtub for bathing, lots of gold, silver and diamond jewelery and colorful sarees. Mahamaya's eyes were on my blouse while Anukreethy and Sursangini were following me with their heads bowed. For a moment, I was feeling proud of myself that I won such a huge dance competition and I was very happy.

A new life had begun for me. I started teaching choreography to Anukreethy and Sursangini. I was free to move anywhere in the palace, but at any time I was invited to dance in the palace. Although Anukreethy and Sursangini would be with me all the time, Maharaj wished that I should sing for him alone. Anukreethy and Sursangini had become less maidservants and more my friends for me. Anukreethy and Sursangini would be at my service to entertain me with dance, massage my body with medium while I was bathing and bathe me with their hands. She leaves no stone unturned to praise my beauty and always asks me about my blouse. Here the discussions about my blouse started increasing so much that one day the queen urged me to seal the blouse for her too. So I sealed the blouse of the size of the queen's boobs and learned to wear them. The Queen was very happy and took out a large nathia from her nose and put it on my nose and two gold bracelets from her wrist and put them on my wrists. If the queen was happy, then the Maharaja also started being happy and for the happiness of the people, my dance program would be organized every day. Whenever any royal guests came, I would be taken to dance in front of them and every royal guest would praise my beauty with my dancing skills. Received many gifts, life was going great. Forgetting my past, I was living peacefully in my present. It was not even known when eight months had passed, Anukreethy and Sursangini had also become proficient in choreography and they both used to dance under my guidance in the Rajya Sabha.

One day Maharaj came to my room directly in front of Anukreethy and Sursangini and expressed his desire to spend the night with me and Anukreethy and Sursangini. It was neither possible for me to refuse Maharaj, nor for Anukreethy or Sursangini. In front of the six-and-a-half feet tall, muscular Maharaj, I, Anukreethy and Sursangini, the three five-foot dancers of us, were nothing. But I had never thought of spending the night with any man, I started getting very scared, then Anukreethy and Sursangini told me that at first there will be pain but it will be fun too and took me in front of Maharaj. Maharaj asked Anukreethy and Sursangini to be nude and then both of them also made me nude. It was so haunting moment for me, being nude in front of such a man and Maharaj's gaze could not move from me even for a moment. I was very scared that what am I going to do today, I can't even speak in front of Maharaj but I never even thought of spending the night with Maharaj.

Anukreethy and Sursangini made me stand in front of Maharaj and both of them came in the arms of Maharaj himself. Maharaj put them both on the bed and took me in his arms and started kissing my throat. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, what a feeling the masculine fragrance of Maharaj's breath was in my breath. Maharaj kissed every part of my body and made me lie on the bed and came over me. My jewellery, the earrings in my ears, the big nostrils in my nose started to prick and now the Maharaja's eyes were on my vagina. Every single kiss of Maharaj made my boobs tight and in his arms I was not able to control myself like any normal girl today. What would I do, I was very terrified to see his tight cock swearing in the clutches of Maharaj's strong arms. Maharaj raised my face and suddenly inserted his cock in my vagina. Hi Ram, such a big cock, oh mother, the pain was at its peak and the maharaj had started to fuck me. 

My tears were not stopping and I was unable to do anything except crying. I was crying loudly, screaming, begging for mercy but where was Maharaj going to stop. The king was thrashing me with full enthusiasm, my sobs, my screams, the sound of my jewellery, my earring hitting my throat, my nose ring hitting my lips again and again, and the prick of the jewelry hurting my body as nothing but pain. was not giving Maharaj kept on fucking me at full speed and as soon as he discharged his semen inside my vagina, some water came out from inside me and I did not even know when I fell asleep. 

When I woke up the next morning, I saw the Maharaja kissing Anukreethy with Anukreethy in his arms and Sursangini lying unconscious next to me. I closed my eyes as soon as I saw the kiss of Anukriti, one thing, if the king saw me awake, then I closed my eyes because of this fear. Anukreethy was crying incessantly, blood was coming out of her vagina and she was asking Maharaj to stop. But I was surprised to see Maharaj's stamina, so much so that the hunger of sex, who have been having sex since night, but even though it is morning, Maharaj's hunger has not yet ended. After a while, Anukreethy also fainted and Maharaj, after resting for a while, left the three of us naked and left.

So tired that none of us had the courage to get out of bed, but still I got up with the courage, then Anukreethy and Sursangini also got up with me. We all took a bath together and got ready and went to the room. Before the conclusion of the Maharaja's meeting, I was called to perform a dance in the court and after the dance performance I was in my bedroom. I was getting very sleepy due to exhaustion so I fell asleep and both my maids Anukreethy and Sursangini were trying to ease my pain by pressing on my feet. It was normal for Anukreethy and Sursangini to have sex with Maharaj, but last night was the first night of my life that shook me from inside. For the next three months, not a single day Maharaj came into my bedroom and I felt more femininity than ever before. Don't know why my mind would once again want to sacrifice myself in the arms of Maharaj, whenever I saw Maharaj, he fell in love. Now I had become a beautiful woman of this dimension who had forgotten her past and accepted her present. One day, in talks, Anukreethy told that before becoming a dancer, she used to live with bandits and two dacoits were her brothers. Anukreethy told that one day both her brothers brought two girls from the river bank who were beautiful like nymphs of heaven and then both of Anukreethy's brothers got married to them and this morning she got information that both her sisters-in-law are going to become mothers. Have been I was like, oh god, Akshay and Suresh are made their wives by the two bandits and both are pregnant too.

I had once satiated the hunger of Maharaj by becoming a Raj Narthaki here in the Raj Mahal. Was it written here in the luck of all three of us friends? Oh god, why did this happen to all three of us, why are we all having to see a day like this. Neha, Nikita and Savita don't know in what condition will we all be here and they are in the jungle. I was in deep thought, could not tell Anukreethy anything about my friends and neither could Maharaj. It was not even possible for me to go out of the palace, but if I had got the permission of Maharaj, I would have gone and met Suresh and Akshay to know their condition.

In these few months, the desire of the women of the palace and the state to wear blouses like me started increasing and I would get all the women with great respect and praise for my clothes. My name was being discussed in the palace and even outside the kingdom, and the prince of the kingdoms from far and wide would propose friendship to our Maharaj only so that they could all enjoy my dance. The situation was slowly slipping out of my hands. Asking permission from the Maharaj to go out means inviting one's own death or one or the other punishment would have been received. I used to think so, but one day after performing a dance in front of Maharaj, when Maharaj asked me to demand anything, my face lit up with joy. I told Maharaj that when I have to ask anything from him, I will ask, but for the time being I want to travel the state with Anukreethy and Sursangini. Maharaj immediately ordered the paalki of me, Anukreethy and Sursangini and within a few moments I was in the midst of the subjects with complete security. First of all I went to meet Yogini, then Yogini was very happy to see me. Yogini told me that the moment is very near when I will be able to go back to my dimension. But there was also such a problem that in my dimension, me and my friends Suresh and Akshay would have to go to this woman and I did not want this at all. I wanted that when I go back to my dimension, I should become Rohan and not Rohini. After meeting Yogini I went to Anukreethy's house where all three of us were given a warm welcome. There I met Suresh and Akshay who were happily spending their lives being the wives of both the dacoits there. Now Akshay's name was Akshara and Suresh's name was Sarita and both were pregnant. Both of them, clad in so many ornaments, were looking very beautiful. Like the women of the state, Akshara and Sarita were also wearing saris without blouse, ornaments on top, heavy designer nathiya in nose so big and earrings too heavy. Seeing both of them, I could not believe how happy both my friends are to be women.

I wondered whether to tell these two anything about this or not but then I told Anukreethy that I wanted to talk to Akshara and Sarita in private. Anukreethy agreed and in no time Akshara and Sarita were all alone in a room, with my bodyguards stationed outside the room and now I had complete freedom to talk to my two friends. I told Sarita and Akshara that I was their friend Rohan, then Sarita and Akshara's eyes were wide open. I was like, both of them hugged me and both cried a lot then I told them that there is a yogini with whose help we can go back to our dimension again. But Akshara and Sarita told me that they are both very happy in this dimension. Akshara and Sarita told me that now they both want to live in this dimension and both started telling about their husbands one by one how much their husband loves them. I was like, what has happened to these two? Both were very good men, and after becoming women today, both were praising their husbands. Still I told both of them that if you want to go back, then tell me through simulation. Sarita and Akshara confirmed to me that they both want to spend their lives in this dimension while serving their husbands and children and then I got angry and went straight to the palace from there.


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मैं अपने बड़े समाज के लोगों के साथ कोजागिरी की रात मनाता था , जिसे शरद पूर्णिमा भी कहते हैं। मेरे लिए कोजागिरी की रात किसी मेले से कम नहीं थी , क्यूंकि हमारे शहर के बीचोबीच एक बहुत बड़े मैदान में इसका आयोजन हर साल होता और इस मेले में बहुत सी सुहागिन महिलाएं अपने अपने पतियों और बाल बच्चों के साथ एन्जॉय करने आते। कोजागिरी की रात कुंवारी लडकियां भी आती , जिनकी शादी होने वाली होती और घर के बड़े लड़के के लिए भी ये रात उतनी ही इम्पोर्टेन्ट थी , क्यूंकि इसका बहुत महत्ता थी। इस दिन रात में मां लक्ष्मी पृथ्वी पर भ्रमण के लिए निकलती हैं और कहते हैं कि दिवाली के अलावा साल में मां लक्ष्मी को प्रसन्न करने के लिए यह तिथि बहुत महत्वपूर्ण मानी गई है। मान्यता है कोजागरी पूर्णिमा की रात जो घर में साफ - सफाई कर मां लक्ष्मी की विधिवत उपासना करता है , देवी उस पर अपनी विशेष कृपा बरसाती हैं और जीवन में उसे कभी धन , सुख - समृद्धि की कमी नहीं होती। लेकिन

झांकी ने मेरी जिंदगी बदल दी - मिस्टर शानू (डांसर) से मिसेज़ शान्वी (हाउसवाइफ)बनने का सफर

हिमाचल की बड़ी ही खूबसूरत शाम थी वो, जब मैं हर रोज़ की तरह झांकी में परफॉर्म करने के लिए रेडी हो रहा था। मैं नही जानता था कि वो शाम मेरी परफॉरमेंस की आखिरी शाम साबित होगी। मेरे डायरेक्टर के एक कॉल ने मेरी जिंदगी ऐसी दोराहे पर लाकर खड़ी कर दी, जहां से एक नया सफर शुरू हुआ और तब मैम अपनी लाइफ का वो फैसला लिया जिसे लेना मेरे लिए आसान नही था।  मेरा नाम शानू है, उम्र 19 साल और कद काठी से काफी स्लिम और छोटी हाइट का होने के कारण झांकी के डायरेक्टर सिद्धान्त कुमार; हमेशा मुझसे फीमेल रोल्स ही करवाते। मुझे फीमेल रोल्स करने में कोई आपत्ति नही क्योंकि इसी से मेरा घर चलता है और सबसे ज्यादा पैसे भी मुझे ही मिलते हैं। मेरी बूढी माँ और छोटी बहन के सिवा मेरी लाइफ में कुछ भी नही था, ना अपना घर, ना ही कोई जमीन और ना ही कोई सेविंग्स। बहन की शादी समय से हो, इसीलिए मैं सेविंग्स करना शुरू कर दिया, मैं अपनी लाइफ में बड़ा ही खुश था, लेकिन एक दिन कुछ ऐसा हुआ कि मेरी खुशी को ग्रहण लग गया। वैसे तो झांकी परफॉरमेंस के दौरान अक्सर जवान लड़े और बूढ़े मर्द मुझमे इंतेरेस्ट दिखाते, मुझसे मेरा नंबर मांगते और मैं भी किसी किसी को

Superstar Part -1

अनिरुद्ध सिंह शहर के जाने माने इंडस्ट्रियलिस्ट थे , जिनकी शहर और समाज में बहुत इज़्ज़त थी। अनिरुद्ध सिंह की पत्नी शहर की जानी मानी डॉक्टर थीं और उनका बड़ा बेटा राज इंजीनियर और छोटा बेटा देवेश अपनी इंजीनियरिंग के पहले साल में कोलकाता में पढाई कर रहा था। टिकटोक और यूट्यूब वीडियोस का चलन जोरों पर था और कोलकाता में ज्यादातर लड़के मोंटी रॉय और संजीब दास को फॉलो करते और देखते ही देखते देवेश भी टिक्टक वीडियोस बनाने लगा ताकि उसकी भी अपनी एक पहचान बने! लेकिन देवेश की यही चाह उसे ऐसे मोड़ पर ले आई जहाँ से कोई यू टर्न नहीं बचा था और यहीं से कहानी की शुरुआत होती है। अनिरुद्ध - देव! ये सब क्या है ? देवेश - वो पापा मैं! अनिरुद्ध - देखो ऋतू , अपने नालायक बेटे की करतूत! यही करने भेजा था कोलकाता मैंने! ऋतू - मैं बात करती हूँ , आप शांत हो जाइए! अनिरुष - समझा लो अपने बेटे को! कोलकाता पढ़ने गया है और अपनी पढाई पर ध्यान दे! ऋतू - आप शांत हो जाइये और आराम करो! मैं देव से बात करती हूँ! अनिरुद्ध - हम्म! अनिरुद्ध के जाने के बाद! ऋतू - ये क्या है देवेश! तुझे ऐसे लड़कियों की तरह कपडे पहनने की क्या ज